Sponsored Skydive -Drop Mr. Ramsay out of a plane!
Let’s drop Mr Ramsay from a plane!
If you’re at Wyndham Park or St Mark’s, you’ll know the unforgettable Mr Ramsay. And if you know Mr Ramsay, you’ll know that he loves a challenge!
So, we at FOSM and WPSA decided to challenge our Santa-loving schoolteacher. Is he brave enough to jump out of a plane, to raise money for our magnificent schools? And fearless Mr Ramsay said YES!
On 19th November, he’ll climb into the Old Sarum GoSkydive jump plane, which will fly up to 10,000ft and then he’ll actually jump OUT OF THE PLANE !!!
First, he’ll have 30 seconds of free fall, dropping through the air at a cheek-rattling 120 miles an hour, then his parachute will open and he’ll get to float and steer over the sights of Salisbury and Old Sarum before returning to earth. That sounds both terrifying, and spectacular!
HOWEVER! Mr Ramsay has challenged us all in return – if we want him to literally step out of a flying plane, we’ve got to get fundraising!
Our target is £2,000 to be be split equally between the two schools:
*£1,000 for upgrading Wyndham Park’s outdoor areas
*£1,000 towards St Mark’s new Forest School.
So let's get started. Please donate what you can and share far and wide with friends and family. All are welcome to come to the drop zone at Sarum Airfield on the 19th Nov to watch. Thank you for your support.
Wyndham Park Infants School
Wyndham Park Infants School Association