Spreading LOVE AND COMPASSION to the People of Los Angeles!
Tax deductible
Hello, my fellow Americans and Californians!
My name is Yeshua, and I am calling on all of us to open our hearts in support of our fellow Californian brothers and sisters, not only as the American brethren we are but also as citizens of this nation and as human beings. In the spirit of empathy and solidarity for our collective and individual pain and suffering, let us be present to the suffering of the citizens of Los Angeles by giving our tithe or donation for the benefit of the people of Los Angeles as an expression of our love, empathy, and commitment to our people and nation, knowing that we are all one body and one American people regardless of our language, ethnicity, and other labels.
Let us show the heavens and the world and the nation that we care for our own! May this be a step in taking care of our own peoples and communities so that we spread this spirit of solidarity and care for one another throughout the nation and throughout the world. In the spirit of the keystone American principle of "Brotherly Love" enshrined in the founding city of the American Republic and Democracy... Philadelphia!
Thank you very much for your attention, consideration, donation, and... love!
Enrico Gallegos
San Francisco, CA
California Community Foundation