Enemy In The Ranks
Dear Family & Friends,
I’m working on my first expository documentary about military sexual trauma and I am currently compiling stories about how the system not only failed Vanessa Guillen, but countless others who serve in the "land of the free and the home of the brave".
Learning of Vanessa Guillén’s murder inspired me to round up my team of trusted individuals together and create this documentary. Not only has sexual assault and rape cases been dismissed within the military time and time again, but the awareness of her disappearance was much too late. To learn that another young woman, not much younger than myself, was dismembered and buried in three separate places… it broke me.
Change only happens when there is awareness. Our objective is to create this documentary in hopes that this will be shown in military bases around the world. We believe that visual mediums, such as cinema and television, offer a way to educate the masses, which is why this documentary will serve its purpose; to engage audiences about military sexual trauma and keep it from occurring in future years and generations to come. This documentary will be for the military, for the general public, and ultimately for sexual assault awareness and education.
Ms. Guillen’s daughter was murdered, and she will never be able to say goodbye. No one will ever bring her daughter back, or in her words, “nadie me la va devolver”, but her tragedy will bring justice. Vanessa Guillen was not respected. She was violated. She was murdered. Her voice was not heard. This story will bring the pain of many people’s voices to light. America tends to wake up whenever something tragic happens, but even so, there are still many people who have not heard of Vanessa’s story and are not aware that military sexual trauma affects many men and women serving in the military today.
We are here to change that.
Ultimately, we want to share stories about how the military not only failed Vanessa Guillen, but countless others. We want the world to know that no day shall erase their voices from the memory of time, for their voices will become immortal. Their voices will create everlasting change and justice for all. This is why we need your help and your support. Our passion for this project knows no bounds. We only wish to share this passion with others and bring this story to life.
A contribution to this project ensures that my team and I are equipped with the resources needed to keep our project going.
You will be helping us with:
-Travel expenses as we begin filming in various states
-Film equipment
With much respect & gratitude,
Amanda & Team