Sri Guru Ravidass Ji Sabha Medway - Support the Bhawan
Dear Sangat Ji,
As a charitable organisation, the Bhawan depends greatly on the generosity of donations from the Sangat (community).
This GoFundMe page has been set up as a humble appeal to help with the running of the Bhawan and to help fund future building renovations. The Bhawan already provides a number of services for the community and provides hundreds of free meals on a weekly basis. However, given the growing community and future outlook, the bhawan is looking to expand and modernise.
With further donations, the Bhawan will be able to renovate, offer new services, and continue providing more to the sangat and wider community.
We humbly ask that if you are unable to visit the Bhawan in person, then please donate here. Donating through this site is safe, convenient and transparent.
The Bhawan Management team would like to thank everyone who has donated through this site, and in person.
Best wishes,
Your Bhawan Management team
Medway Ravidassia