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Srivatsa M. A. Memorial Fund for Mental Illness

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Imagine living most of your life in and out of institutions, having little or no freedom of choice, and struggling with battles of the mind. Like being sent to prison for a crime you didn't commit. On April 24, 2019, we lost a beautiful mind and soul abruptly. A heart of gold, genius in math, love for movies, music and singing and an eternal optimist despite being plagued by an illness that left him unable to live in this brutal "normal" world, and despite having to face hardships that most of us can't even imagine. RIP Srivatsa M.A. ... our dear brother, a true superhero. His life story will serve to help others deal with this terrible illness of the mind, Schizophrenia, that millions suffer from across the world with little support and understanding from others. We have started a memorial fund to help with mental illness causes on his behalf. The funds raised here will be used to donate to mental health charities primarily in India. 

Specifically, we are working with National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences in Bangalore, India as well as Family Fellowship Society, a registered charity and a residential facility for patients with chronic mental illness such as Schizophrenia.

Initially, we plan to fund two programs to help the cause.
1. An annual award for patients and recovering individuals to recognize exceptional talent in music and arts to be awarded during a cultural program planned on World Mental Health day. We are also considering an award for the best care giver/Nurse that will serve as an incentive and motivation for exceptional service.
2. An online resource to help patients, recovering individuals, families and care givers that will contain comprehensive data on all the different care centers and care options foe people suffering from Mental Illness in India. This program will also look to rope in student volunteers to assist in creating this database.


  • Anna Pasimio
    • $308
    • 5 yrs


Malur Narayan
Austin, TX

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