Stage 4 Lymphoma Cancer Patient Needs Help
Donation protected
Our beloved friend within our community has been diagnosed with stage 4 Lymphoma. Unfortunately, he has no status in Canada; therefore, the treatment he needs will not be covered by OHIP; it has to be paid for by the family. His wife and 12-year-old daughter will be happy with the donations that everyone contributes.
Update with Condition: Hello friends, this is an update on our beloved friend Ercan; he has started the treatment. He has received the first dose of chemo theraphy; one down, three more treatments to go. I want to thank everyone who has contributed!!!
Turk cemiyeti tarafindan cok taninan , sevilen bir kardesimiz maglesef amansiz bir hastalik olan "Lymphoma" kanserine yakalan'mis ve suan 4. evrede olup acil tedaviye ihtiyaci var. Malesef Kanada'da statusu olmadigindan oturu yasamsal ve sagliksal giderlerini karisilaya bilmek icin yardimlarinizi bekliyoruz. Bu gibi cok zor durumda TURK cemiyetinin yardim edeceginden suphemiz yoktur, lutfen cevreniz deki arkadaslar'lan paylasin.
Halil Solmaz
Scarborough, ON