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Help Belal’s Family to Evacuate

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My name is Belal. I am a Palestinian currently living in Gaza City. Long story short: my city was destroyed, my house was destroyed, my people were gone. It's been more than 300 days of war now... everything is gone. You can see that I documented these atrocities on my Instagram account.

We all feel helpless and powerless as we watch the tragic events taking place in our city.

I am reaching out to raise money so I urgently need your support to help raise money for humanitarian aid such as food, water, medical aid and shelter tents, and ultimately to evacuate my family when the Rafah Crossing reopens.

Your support means more than just financial aid, it is a gesture of solidarity and compassion in the face of humanity. Our hearts bleed for our nation and the least we can do is pray, pray and donate.

Please donate generously and share this around.

May God reward you all.

With gratitude,

Belal alsaiqali

Hi there!
My name is Tori, and I created this fundraiser on behalf of Belal and his family who were recently displaced for the 10th time and is hoping to provide humanitarian aid to those in the area such as food, clean water, medicine, and tents for shelter, as well as supporting their own basic needs. As things have intensified, Belal now wishes to evacuate his family, consisting of 7 adults and 4 beautiful children.

Belal is an exceptional person, a loving uncle, and loyal friend and I feel honored to know him and to have the privilege of handling this account on his behalf.

Belal has a degree in Economics and Management Sciences, but since the onset of the war his focus has been in helping those around him, and surviving. My hope for him is to see Belal and his family through to safety, and to a life he can live to its fullest.

All donations are transferred to Belal as I receive them, and we have been successfully transferring money to support this family.

Please consider sharing, Thank you ❤️



Tori D
Farmington, ME

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