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Sisters home lost in Eaton canyon wildfire

Donativo protegido
Unfortunately, on Jan 8th my sister Victoria, her husband, and young son lost their home in the Eaton Canyon wildfire. They are a family of educators who have taught in the Pasadena school district for many years and are now in need of our help to rebuild. They had to rush out of their home and evacuate with nothing but the clothes they were wearing. This was the home her husband grew up in and the one his mom grew up in before that. It was the home where their son was meant to grow up in, where they had countless memories, and where they felt the safest. Their lives have been changed forever so it’s our hope to be able to help them on this new journey. Every little donation can make a huge difference for them, so if you could click the link below to help or share it with others, it would mean the world. Thank you for your kindness!


    • 1000 $
    • 13 d
  • Sergio Franqui
    • 150 $
    • 1 mes
  • Melissa Q Ruiz
    • 25 $
    • 1 mes
  • Carmelo Garcia
    • 70 $
    • 2 meses
  • Anonymous P
    • 50 $
    • 2 meses


Rosario Villasenor
Los Angeles, CA

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