Donation protected
Re-filming Interviews For Two Documentaries
Donations will be used to finish off filming for and - New information has come to light on the Richard Baldwin Documentary, the first Documentary of its kind to go against a Secret Space Program Whistle Blower.
What is The International Spiritual News Network
The ISNN is a spiritual, solution-based news and talk show channel. It is solution-based, in the sense we are a soul having a human experience. We have to choose the family, life, and lessons we are here to learn. It can be fun and we can learn to manifest a different story. So, when we see the news on tv it can be reported from a spiritual perspective and see the deeper meaning behind the news. Imagine a news platform like Alex Jones, but without the fear porn: covering the mainstream news from a spiritual perspective.
The ISNN will present news bulletins, documentaries, talk shows, debates In addition, it is also combining the best metaphysical, spiritual, paranormal, alternative thought, political and life coaching. This will be achieved through 'spiritual political' live interviews, and documentaries.
The ISNN has an alternative approach to media production to help keep costs down. Shows will be produced internationally, but will not require the usual costs associated, given the technology we will be employing.
The ISNN aims to attract advertising and sponsorship within all of its shows, and with all shows available on YouTube and iTunes for download.
Our Aims
The ISNN aims to help transform the lives of the people watching or listening to its content. We would like success in the first year to have our YouTube channel hosting dynamic and unique content, to trending news, including news, interviews, and documentaries. We would like to build a community for like-minded people and those just going through changes and looking for an alternative solution to problems in their lives. In the next five years we plan to have a live-streamed 24 hour up-to-date news output with on-location reporters in various regions.
The ISNN Shows and Content
The channel will consist of news updates, in between, we have special documentaries, talk shows, and topics as broad and varied as the spiritual, metaphysical, alternative, consciousness, and supernatural, past lives, health, and more. Subjects covered are extensive, and some of the programs and shows are ready for broadcast, but the main thrust of the offering is:
Updates on global issues, exploring issues from a humanistic view, rather than mainstream spin: bringing spirituality into the political arena and diffusing the current trend for fear-based reporting.
Talk Shows including
The Moore Show looking at answers from a spiritual angle. Examining research and facts around the unexplained.
Conspiracy Theories
Address the common misconception that conspiracy is a theory, we watch events in recent years unfold, what was at one time described as 'conspiracy' seems now to be unfolding as 'actuality'. This meaty subject will be explored and examined, with some of the key players in interviews, and will have its news-based output.
Alternative views around reported news: health, wealth, climate, environment, politics.
We will be investigating (Fake News) within the Alternative News and Spiritual Community. Documentaries will also include spiritual and more mainstream subjects.
Courses and conferences: will be regularly streamed for those wishing to participate in their own journey of self-development, consciousness, and areas to help bring about positive change. Courses will be available on on the website
Life coaching shows
We seek inspirational speakers and will feature their content.
Who are we?
Founder Kevin Moore's story to date, has been a simple case of bringing his passion to help others, using the media, and developing a platform that is accessible and inclusive.
This channel is a natural progression. In 2008, Kevin started a show called The Moore Show, which was inspired by Art Bell's Coast to Coast, covering topics within the alternative fields.
Here's what we will do with the funding we are asking for, with YOUR money we can:
- I phone, I pad, and Android apps for communication with the masses
- Equipment for remote location Broadcasting
- One new editing laptop
- Website for The ISNN
It’s the final push and we need your help! What must be stressed, is currently, we can only start off as a pre-recorded channel. However, the more money we receive, the sooner the output will be available, and of course, the better the quality will be as we could spend more time researching content. Funding is key to expanding the news station, to get us off the ground, in order? we want to efficiently and quickly deliver some excellent and quality broadcasting to a broad audience.
The Impact
With your help, we can open dialogue with more prominent individuals who are currently affecting positive change around the world: we can engage in discussions with those making the rules to serve the old paradigm and challenge those views, and sow the seeds of a new, altruistic and positive way of working collectively.
Everyone deserves their view and voice, but what if we are missing the key, to push the boundaries, and expand the global conversation into an inclusive rhetoric across borders around the world? We know that mainstream broadcasting, for the most part, tends to be somewhat biased and aggressive in their reporting of events as they unfold on the world stage, and more often than not, it ends up as a slightly unbalanced, one-sided view favoring their sponsors or investors. So let's clear that world stage and start again, with a balanced, calm, and factual dialogue.
Kevin Moore
Mineral Point, WI