Herbal Salves
Donation protected
Please scroll down to the end of this campaign description and click on read latest update. I report my effort to start this business with scanty funds.
Business Plan First Year to produce $20k wholesale value of herbal products quarterly
Startup required $80K
Pay myself a modest $24K annual salary from startup funding
Invest $40K to create salesforce, labels & packaging, marketing, Setup Online store, social media, R & D, etc.
Remaining $8K is reserved for rainy days and the unexpected
I will hire 1st helper paid $1.2K biweekly, $24K salary annually, including payroll taxes
*****1 Helper will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchen at home.*****
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales & R&D
*****Invest $8K to cook $20K wholesale value of products 4 times annually = $32K*****
If I cook $1K wholesale value of product daily then I will consume 3 weeks cooking $20K of product
Minimum: generate $8K in wholesale value revenue every 10 weeks ($800 weekly). 4 times annually = $32K. Compile customer database
I would allocate 5% = $4K of wholesale value of product for labeling and packaging annually.
However, in first year, this cost is covered by startup funding
Give away 2% = $400 wholesale value of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $1.6K. Compile customer database
Network with local beauty and health stores, medical offices and clinics throughout GTA
Form a direct sales force to sell herbal products throughout GTA. I will advertise on my website, Kijiji and craig's list and social media
Hopefully labor laws will not burden me with payroll taxes for the sales force. Essentially they are self employed, writing their own pay check.
Similarly, the helpers cooking from home are self employed individuals. They would be required to regiser a sole propriotorship business.
I will need advice about hiring people and employment law and expenses in Ontario, Canada
Salesforce will wear aprons and carry bags displaying the HighlyHerbal.ca brand. They will distribute my business cards.
Salespersons will get $100 of product they will sell for $200 and compile customer database (receipts with customer contact info)
Salespersons must pay a one-time processing fee upfront that covers the cost of the sales kit & apron ($25)
Meet sales group weekly to collect sales, arm with herbal products and motivate.
I will require a meeting place. Somewhere I can rent for 2 hours very cheaply, preferably a building with security.
I will allocate $1K monthly for managing sales force
If 20 sales agents sell $100 wholesale value of product every week then the $20K wholesale value of product I cooked will be sold in 10 weeks
If salesforce is able to drive demand then I will need to cook $20K wholesale value of product more than 4 times annually
I would estimate that the max annual wholesale value amount of product one person can cook on a kitchen stove at home is $200K
I may reach a point where I cannot cook enough product fast enough to meet demand.
To meet demand I can hire helpers to cook herbal products from their kitchens at home
Helpers will cook and package $200K wholesale value of product annually from their kitchens at home
Helpers are paid $1.2K biweekly to cook $10K wholesale value of herbal products every 10 days
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales
Net income $6.4k
Expenses $72K, includes $24k annual salary I pay 1 helper. My initial $24K salary already paid from startup funding
Revenue $78.4K
This is a conservative estimate because I am assuming $80k wholesale value of product is sold when $200K wholesale value is being cooked by helper 1
Therefore, there is room to multiply sales by 2.5.
I can increase the sales force from 20 to 50
If 50 sales agents sell $100 wholesale value of product every week then the $50K wholesale value of product cooked each quarter will be sold in 10 weeks
So first year has the capacity to achieve:
Net income $86k
Expenses $110K, includes $24k annual salary I pay 1 helper. My initial $24K salary already paid from startup funding
Revenue $196K
First year is all about getting established and driving demand for a sucessful 2nd year.
My gut feeling is most revenue will come from the direct sales force and from online sales because retail is slow and dying out.
Retail prices for my herbal products are:
1 lip balm $2, 1 bar of soap $4, 1 herbal salve $6
Wholesale prices are half that of retail prices
I will sell in bundles of 10 & 20 online, charging for shipping.
20 lip balms $30, 10 soaps $30, 10 salves $45
Notice online prices are 1.5 that of wholesale prices
I will be actively developing new products associated with aroma science
I will succeed because I am honest and intelligent determined and industrious
From 16+ years of repairing computers in the GTA, I have many loyal customers who will buy my herbal products
Business Plan Second Year to produce $50k wholesale value of herbal prodcts quarterly
I will hire 2nd helper paid $1.2K biweekly, $24K salary annually, including payroll taxes
Helpers will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at home.
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales
Pay myself and 2 helpers $24K salary annually
*****Invest $16K to cook $50K wholesale value of products 4 times annually = $64K*****
I am producing 2.5 times more product for only double the cost because I will produce more products that don't require expensive EVOO.
Give away 2% = $1K wholesale value of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $4K. Compile customer database
Generate $49k in wholesale revenue every 10 weeks ($4.9K weekly). 4 times annually = $196K. Compile customer database
Year 2 is critical!
*****2 helpers will cook and package $400K worth of product annually from their kitchens at home.*****
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales & R&D
Recruit 30 additional sales agents for a total of 50
If 50 sales agents sell $100 wholesale value of product every week then the $50K wholesale value of product I cooked will be sold in 10 weeks
Net incone before taxes is $38k
Expenses $158K includes $24k annual salary I pay myself and 2 helpers
Revenue $196K
Again a conservative estimate because it is based on $200K wholesale value of product when 2 helpers are cooking $400K wholesale value of product
Therefore, there is room to multiply sales by 2.
I can increase the sales force from 50 to 100
If 100 sales agents sell $100 wholesale value of product every week then the $100K wholesale value of product cooked each quarter will be sold in 10 weeks
So second year has the capacity to achieve:
Net income $160k
Expenses $232K, includes $24k annual salary I pay myself and 2 helpers
Revenue $$392K
Business Plan Third Year to produce $100k wholesale value of herbal prodcts quarterly
I will hire 3rd helper paid $1.2K biweekly, $24K salary annually, including payroll taxes
*****invest $32K to cook $100K worth of products 4 times annually = $128K*****
Give away 2% = $2K wholesale value of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $8K. Compile customer database
Generate $98k in revenue every 10 weeks ($9.8K weekly). 4 times annually = $392K. Compile customer database
*****3 helpers will cook and package $600K worth of product annually from their kitchens at home.*****
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales & R&D
Recruit 50 additional sales agents for a total of 100
If 100 sales agents sell $100 wholesale value of product every week then the $100K wholesale value of product I cooked will be sold in 10 weeks
Pay myself and 3 helpers $24K salary annually
Net income $136k before taxes
$256K expenses includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 3 helpers
$392k revenue
Again a conservative estimate because it is based on $400K wholesale value of product when 3 helpers are cooking $600K wholesale value of product
Therefore, there is room to multiply sales by 1.5
I can increase the sales force from 100 to 150
If 150 sales agents sell $100 wholesale value of product every week then the $150K wholesale value of product cooked each quarter will be sold in 10 weeks
So 3rd year has the capacity to achieve:
Net income $160k
Expenses $232K, includes $24k annual salary I pay myself and 3 helpers
Revenue $$392K
Business Plan Fourth Year to produce $200k wholesale value of herbal prodcts quarterly
I will hire 4th helper paid $1.2K biweekly, $24K salary annually, including payroll taxes
*****invest $64K to cook $200K worth of products 4 times annually = $256K*****
Give away 2% = $4K wholesale value of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $16K. Compile customer database
Generate $196k in revenue every 10 weeks ($19.6K weekly). 4 times annually = $784K. Compile customer database
*****4 helpers will cook and package $800K worth of product annually from their kitchens at home.*****
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales & R&D
Pay myself and 4 others a $24K salary annually
I can increase the sales force from 150 to 200
If 200 sales agents sell $100 wholesale value of product every week then the $200K wholesale value of product cooked each quarter will be sold in 10 weeks
Net income before taxes is $356K
Expenses $428K includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 4 helpers
Revenues of $784K annually
Business Plan Fifth Year to produce $400k wholesale value of herbal prodcts quarterly
*****invest $128K to cook $400K worth of products 4 times annually = $512K*****
I will hire 4 helpers paid $1.2K biweekly, $24K salary annually, including payroll taxes
Give away 2% = $8K wholesale value of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $32K. Compile customer database
Generate $392k in revenue every 10 weeks ($39.2K weekly). 4 times annually = $1,568K. Compile customer database
*****8 helpers will cook and package $1,600K worth of product annually from their kitchens at home.*****
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales & R&D
Pay myself and 8 helpers $24K salary annually
Net income before taxes is $780K
Expenses are approx $820K includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 8 helpers
Revenues are $1,568K
Business Plan Sixth Year to produce $800k wholesale value of herbal prodcts quarterly
*****invest $256K to cook $800K worth of products 4 times annually = $1,024K*****
Give away 2% = $16K wholesale value of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $64K. Compile customer database
Generate $784k in revenue every 10 weeks (78.4K weekly). 4 times annually = $3,136K. Compile customer database
I will hire 8 helpers for a total of 16, and pay each worker $1.2K biweekly, including payroll taxes
16 helpers will cook and package $3,200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at home.
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales & R&D
Pay myself $24K salary annually
Net income before taxes is $1,532K
Expenses $1,604K includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 16 helpers
Revenues are $3,136K
In year 5, I make my first million dollars.
I don't think I need more than 200 sales people
I am paying the same wages every year. I would like to reward helpers with annual $10k bonuses.
Outstanding Salespersons will get rewards too.
Annual party or picnic
I may raise wages
I must hire the right people I can trust! Can use psychological tests, security screening, etc.
I will need a secretary for admin work. Secretary too can work from home.
I plan to make herbal soap from melt and pour base
Herbal soap made this way requires no additional beeswax nor oils
Also no containers needed for soap, just moulds and wrapping in clear plastic
I will make products that make use of aroma science.
I am empowering people to contribute to a business from their home.
Is there a service out there that can cook and package my herbal products inexpensively in bulk quantities?
Cooks are human beings so production will be reduced by illness of helper.
I plan to exit the business by 2030. By then HighlyHerbal,ca should provide me with annual income of
$1,000K after taxes while the business is managed by a manager on salary with max 16 cooks.
$20K product involves 10K lip balms (sell 5 ml for $1 each), 3.333K salves (sell 45 ml for $3 each)
250 L EVOO oil ($2K @ $8/L), 50 kg herbs ($2.5K @ $50/Kg), 28kg beeswax ($625 @ $8/lb). Cost is $5,125.
10K lip balm containers ($2.1K ), 4K salve containers ($2K). Cost is $4.1K.
Total direct cost to produce $20K of product is approximately $9.225K
Except the lip balm containers and beeswax, these costs are based on the purchase of small quantities.
I need to reduce this cost.
My cost to produce $20K worth of product every 13 weeks should not exceed $8K
Each Quarter First year involves:
Spend 3 weeks cooking $20K worth of product.
Spend 10 weeks selling and giving away product
I have been fixing computers for the last 16 years in Toronto. I am http://DrPCDr.ca
My story, how I became DrPCDr.ca was published, http://drpcdr.ca/drpc.html.
After I fix a computer, I provide free system cleans whenever the system needs it. See my rescue video,
While serving many people in the Toronto area, I realized many people out there have more than just computer problems.
I decided to help people by deploying 500 educational videoes along with operating systems, Windows, Linux and OS X.
I decided I can help the www by sharing the educational videos online:
I have also created a site to help people find jobs:
Recently, I also deploy my collection of 600 songs. See my music [email redacted]:
I created a website to help me attend local festivals to distribute my business cards to people in the GTA:
I have always been interested in medical science. I studied biochemistry and pharmacy dispensing. See
Recently, I discovered how to make salves. Now I want to help people care for their well being.
I plan to market topical salves and lip balms that treat the following:
Peripheral pain and inflammation
Colds and flu
Hair loss
External skin ailments
Stress, anxiety, mood disorder, insomnia via aroma therapy
Withdrawal symptoms of past drug abuse via aroma therapy
Cuts, bruises, rash, itch
High blood pressure and blood clots
I am requesting your help. I need to purchase supplies in bulk, develop a sign, labels and business cards for my new venture in herbal salves.
I really like helping people and I strongly feel this is my purpose in life.
I will greatly appreciate your help in raising funds and will ship some free product to anyone who contributes funds toward my goal. Simply tell me what ails you and I will ship you the healing salves specific for your ailment.
Please understand that collectively your donation should greatly exceed the cost of shipping product to you.
Please subcribe to my updates that share my struggle to build a business with limited funds available to me.
Thanks in advance. May the force be with you!
Business Plan:
Business Plan First Year to produce $20k herbal prodcts quarterly
Startup required $72,000
invest $6,000 to cook $20,000 worth of products 4 times annually = $24,000
invest $24,000 to acquire customers, labels & marketing, Setup Online store, social media, R & D, etc.
Give away $14,000 of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $56,000. Compile customer database
Generate $6,000 in revenue every 10 weeks ($600 weekly). 4 times annually = $24,000. Compile customer database
Live on modest $24K annual salary
Net income $-24k
Expenses $48K
Revenue $24K
Business Plan Second Year to produce $50k herbal prodcts quarterly
invest $12,000 to cook $50,000 worth of products 4 times annually = $48,000
Give away $1,000 of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $4,000. Compile customer database
Generate $49k in revenue every 10 weeks ($4,900 weekly). 4 times annually = $196,000. Compile customer database
Hire a helper, Helpers are paid $1,200 biweekly to cook $10K of herbal products every 10 days.
Helpers will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at their home.
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales
Pay myself and 1 helper $24K salary annually
Net incone before taxes is $100k
Expenses $96K includes $24k annual salary I pay myself and 1 helper
Revenue $196K
Business Plan Third Year to produce $100k herbal prodcts quarterly
invest $24,000 to cook $100,000 worth of products 4 times annually = $96,000
Give away $2,000 of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $8,000. Compile customer database
Generate $98k in revenue every 10 weeks ($9,800 weekly). 4 times annually = $392,000. Compile customer database
I will hire 1 helper and pay each worker $600 weekly, including payroll taxes
Helpers will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at their home.
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales
Pay myself $24K salary annually
Net income in year 3 could be $224k+ before taxes
$168K expenses includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 2 helpers
$392k revenue
Business Plan Fourth Year to produce $200k herbal prodcts quarterly
invest $48,000 to cook $200,000 worth of products 4 times annually = $192,000
Give away $4,000 of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $16,000. Compile customer database
Generate $196k in revenue every 10 weeks ($19,600 weekly). 4 times annually = $784,000. Compile customer database
I will hire 2 helpers and pay each worker $600 weekly, including payroll taxes
Helpers will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at their home.
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales
Pay myself $24K salary annually
Net income before taxes is $472K
Expenses are approx $312K+ includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 4 helpers
Revenues of $784K annually
Business Plan Fifth Year
invest $96,000 to cook $400,000 worth of products 4 times annually = $384,000
Give away $8,000 of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $32,000. Compile customer database
Generate $392k in revenue every 10 weeks ($39,200 weekly). 4 times annually = $1,568,000. Compile customer database
I will hire 4 helpers and pay each worker $600 weekly, including payroll taxes
Helpers will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at their home.
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales
Pay myself $24K salary annually
Net income before taxes is $968K almost $1 million
Expenses are approx $600K includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 8 helpers
Revenues are $1,568,000
Business Plan Sixth Year
invest $192,000 to cook $800,000 worth of products 4 times annually = $768,000
Give away $16,000 of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $64,000. Compile customer database
Generate $784k in revenue every 10 weeks (78,400 weekly). 4 times annually = $3,136,000. Compile customer database
I will hire 8 helpers for a total of 16, and pay each worker $1,200 biweekly, including payroll taxes
Helpers will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at their home.
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales
Pay myself $24K salary annually
Net income before taxes is $1,960,000
Expenses are approx $1,176,000 includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 16 helpers
Revenues are $3,136,000
First year I make enough ($6,000 every quarter) to purchase ingredients and containers to produce $80k product annually.
To acquire customers, I am giving away free most ($56K) of the $80k in product
If I get $72K grant I can pay myself $24K modest annual salary plus pay $24K for startup costs and $24K reserve
Net income $-24K
Expenses $48K
Revenue $24K
If demand is strong enough, I could earn $100k before taxes in second year.
This is driven in part by 9K+ people who received about $6 of produt free throughout first year
I can supply retail $1 for lip balms and $2 soaps, $2.50 for salves
Suggested retail price $2 lip balms, $4 for soap, $5 for salves
I will give away $6 of product to each lucky person:
1 lip balm, 1 soap, 1 salve or
2 salves and 1 lip balm or
2 lip balms and 2 soaps or
6 lip balms or
4 lip balms and 1 soap
3 lip balms and 1 salve or
3 soaps
I will sell in bundles of 10 & 20 online, charging for shipping.
20 lip balms $20, 10 soaps $20, 10 salves $25
Second Year I am earning after expenses, $100k annually before taxes
To acquire customers, I am giving away 2 % ($4K) of the $200k in product.
After 1st quarter of year 2, I will start paying GST
Year 2 is critical!
Net incone before taxes is $100k
Expenses $96K includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 1 helper
Revenue $196K
Year 3 could see demand double, requiring me to cook $400,000 in product
To acquire customers, I am giving away 2 % ($8K) of the $400k in product.
I will hire 1 helper. Each helpper is required to produce $1,000 of product daily.
Each Helper will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at their home.
Each will be paid biweekly $1,200, earning a $24K annual salary.
Helpers may not be employees, they could be contractors
Net income in year 3 could be $246k+ before taxes
$146K expenses includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 2 helpers
$392k revenue
When demand doubles again, Year 4 would require 2 more helpers.
Net income before taxes is $496K
Expenses are approx $288K+ includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 4 helpers
Revenues of $784K annually should support this expenditure.
Demand doubles again in Year 5
Year 5 would require 4 more helpers for a total of 8
Net income before taxes is $968K almost $1 million
Expenses are approx $600K includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 8 helpers
Revenues are $1,568,000
I think 8 cooks are enough because too many cooks spoil the broth.
If demand doubles again in the 6th year I would need to hire another 8 cooks for a total of 16.
This would cause serious growing pains.
Demand doubles again in Year 6
End of year 6, I make almost 2 million, before taxes
Net income before taxes is $1,960,000
Expenses are approx $1,176,000 includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 16 helpers
Revenues are $3,136,000
I plan to make herbal soap from melt and pour base
Herbal soap made this way requires no additional beeswax nor oils
Also no containers needed for soap, just moulds and wrapping in clear plastic
I am empowering people to contribute to a business from their home.
Is there a service out there that can cook and package my herbal products inexpensively in bulk quantities?
Cooks are human beings so production will be reduced by illness of helper.
I plan to exit the business by 2030. By then HighlyHerbal,ca should provide me with annual income of
$500,000 after taxes while the business is managed by a manager on salary with max 8 cooks.
$20,000 product involves 10,000 lip balms (sell 5 ml for $1 each), 3,333 salves (sell 45 ml for $3 each)
250 L EVOO oil ($2,000 @ $8/L) , 50 kg herbs ($2,500 @ $50/Kg), 28kg beeswax ($625 @ $8/lb). Cost is $5,125.
10,000 lip balm containers ($2,100 ), 4,000 salve containers ($2,000). Cost is $4,100.
Total direct cost to produce $20,000 of product is approximately $9,225.
Except the lip balm containers and beeswax, these costs are based on the purchase of small quantities.
I need to reduce this cost by 50%.
My cost to produce $20,000 worth of product every 13 weeks should not exceed $6,000
So 250L EVOO should cost $1,000, 50 Kg herbs, $1,250, 28 kg beeswax costs $625
4,000 salve containers, $1,000, 10,000 lip balm containers $2, 100
Total cooking cost $5,975.
Each Quarter First year involves:
Spend 3 weeks cooking $20,000 worth of product.
Spend 10 weeks selling and giving away product
Christopher C. Charles
Cell [phone redacted]
Email [email redacted]
Please scroll down to the end of this campaign description and click on read latest update. I report my effort to start this business with scanty funds.
Business Plan First Year to produce $20k wholesale value of herbal products quarterly
Startup required $80K
Pay myself a modest $24K annual salary from startup funding
Invest $40K to create salesforce, labels & packaging, marketing, Setup Online store, social media, R & D, etc.
Remaining $8K is reserved for rainy days and the unexpected
I will hire 1st helper paid $1.2K biweekly, $24K salary annually, including payroll taxes
*****1 Helper will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchen at home.*****
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales & R&D
*****Invest $8K to cook $20K wholesale value of products 4 times annually = $32K*****
If I cook $1K wholesale value of product daily then I will consume 3 weeks cooking $20K of product
Minimum: generate $8K in wholesale value revenue every 10 weeks ($800 weekly). 4 times annually = $32K. Compile customer database
I would allocate 5% = $4K of wholesale value of product for labeling and packaging annually.
However, in first year, this cost is covered by startup funding
Give away 2% = $400 wholesale value of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $1.6K. Compile customer database
Network with local beauty and health stores, medical offices and clinics throughout GTA
Form a direct sales force to sell herbal products throughout GTA. I will advertise on my website, Kijiji and craig's list and social media
Hopefully labor laws will not burden me with payroll taxes for the sales force. Essentially they are self employed, writing their own pay check.
Similarly, the helpers cooking from home are self employed individuals. They would be required to regiser a sole propriotorship business.
I will need advice about hiring people and employment law and expenses in Ontario, Canada
Salesforce will wear aprons and carry bags displaying the HighlyHerbal.ca brand. They will distribute my business cards.
Salespersons will get $100 of product they will sell for $200 and compile customer database (receipts with customer contact info)
Salespersons must pay a one-time processing fee upfront that covers the cost of the sales kit & apron ($25)
Meet sales group weekly to collect sales, arm with herbal products and motivate.
I will require a meeting place. Somewhere I can rent for 2 hours very cheaply, preferably a building with security.
I will allocate $1K monthly for managing sales force
If 20 sales agents sell $100 wholesale value of product every week then the $20K wholesale value of product I cooked will be sold in 10 weeks
If salesforce is able to drive demand then I will need to cook $20K wholesale value of product more than 4 times annually
I would estimate that the max annual wholesale value amount of product one person can cook on a kitchen stove at home is $200K
I may reach a point where I cannot cook enough product fast enough to meet demand.
To meet demand I can hire helpers to cook herbal products from their kitchens at home
Helpers will cook and package $200K wholesale value of product annually from their kitchens at home
Helpers are paid $1.2K biweekly to cook $10K wholesale value of herbal products every 10 days
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales
Net income $6.4k
Expenses $72K, includes $24k annual salary I pay 1 helper. My initial $24K salary already paid from startup funding
Revenue $78.4K
This is a conservative estimate because I am assuming $80k wholesale value of product is sold when $200K wholesale value is being cooked by helper 1
Therefore, there is room to multiply sales by 2.5.
I can increase the sales force from 20 to 50
If 50 sales agents sell $100 wholesale value of product every week then the $50K wholesale value of product cooked each quarter will be sold in 10 weeks
So first year has the capacity to achieve:
Net income $86k
Expenses $110K, includes $24k annual salary I pay 1 helper. My initial $24K salary already paid from startup funding
Revenue $196K
First year is all about getting established and driving demand for a sucessful 2nd year.
My gut feeling is most revenue will come from the direct sales force and from online sales because retail is slow and dying out.
Retail prices for my herbal products are:
1 lip balm $2, 1 bar of soap $4, 1 herbal salve $6
Wholesale prices are half that of retail prices
I will sell in bundles of 10 & 20 online, charging for shipping.
20 lip balms $30, 10 soaps $30, 10 salves $45
Notice online prices are 1.5 that of wholesale prices
I will be actively developing new products associated with aroma science
I will succeed because I am honest and intelligent determined and industrious
From 16+ years of repairing computers in the GTA, I have many loyal customers who will buy my herbal products
Business Plan Second Year to produce $50k wholesale value of herbal prodcts quarterly
I will hire 2nd helper paid $1.2K biweekly, $24K salary annually, including payroll taxes
Helpers will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at home.
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales
Pay myself and 2 helpers $24K salary annually
*****Invest $16K to cook $50K wholesale value of products 4 times annually = $64K*****
I am producing 2.5 times more product for only double the cost because I will produce more products that don't require expensive EVOO.
Give away 2% = $1K wholesale value of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $4K. Compile customer database
Generate $49k in wholesale revenue every 10 weeks ($4.9K weekly). 4 times annually = $196K. Compile customer database
Year 2 is critical!
*****2 helpers will cook and package $400K worth of product annually from their kitchens at home.*****
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales & R&D
Recruit 30 additional sales agents for a total of 50
If 50 sales agents sell $100 wholesale value of product every week then the $50K wholesale value of product I cooked will be sold in 10 weeks
Net incone before taxes is $38k
Expenses $158K includes $24k annual salary I pay myself and 2 helpers
Revenue $196K
Again a conservative estimate because it is based on $200K wholesale value of product when 2 helpers are cooking $400K wholesale value of product
Therefore, there is room to multiply sales by 2.
I can increase the sales force from 50 to 100
If 100 sales agents sell $100 wholesale value of product every week then the $100K wholesale value of product cooked each quarter will be sold in 10 weeks
So second year has the capacity to achieve:
Net income $160k
Expenses $232K, includes $24k annual salary I pay myself and 2 helpers
Revenue $$392K
Business Plan Third Year to produce $100k wholesale value of herbal prodcts quarterly
I will hire 3rd helper paid $1.2K biweekly, $24K salary annually, including payroll taxes
*****invest $32K to cook $100K worth of products 4 times annually = $128K*****
Give away 2% = $2K wholesale value of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $8K. Compile customer database
Generate $98k in revenue every 10 weeks ($9.8K weekly). 4 times annually = $392K. Compile customer database
*****3 helpers will cook and package $600K worth of product annually from their kitchens at home.*****
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales & R&D
Recruit 50 additional sales agents for a total of 100
If 100 sales agents sell $100 wholesale value of product every week then the $100K wholesale value of product I cooked will be sold in 10 weeks
Pay myself and 3 helpers $24K salary annually
Net income $136k before taxes
$256K expenses includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 3 helpers
$392k revenue
Again a conservative estimate because it is based on $400K wholesale value of product when 3 helpers are cooking $600K wholesale value of product
Therefore, there is room to multiply sales by 1.5
I can increase the sales force from 100 to 150
If 150 sales agents sell $100 wholesale value of product every week then the $150K wholesale value of product cooked each quarter will be sold in 10 weeks
So 3rd year has the capacity to achieve:
Net income $160k
Expenses $232K, includes $24k annual salary I pay myself and 3 helpers
Revenue $$392K
Business Plan Fourth Year to produce $200k wholesale value of herbal prodcts quarterly
I will hire 4th helper paid $1.2K biweekly, $24K salary annually, including payroll taxes
*****invest $64K to cook $200K worth of products 4 times annually = $256K*****
Give away 2% = $4K wholesale value of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $16K. Compile customer database
Generate $196k in revenue every 10 weeks ($19.6K weekly). 4 times annually = $784K. Compile customer database
*****4 helpers will cook and package $800K worth of product annually from their kitchens at home.*****
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales & R&D
Pay myself and 4 others a $24K salary annually
I can increase the sales force from 150 to 200
If 200 sales agents sell $100 wholesale value of product every week then the $200K wholesale value of product cooked each quarter will be sold in 10 weeks
Net income before taxes is $356K
Expenses $428K includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 4 helpers
Revenues of $784K annually
Business Plan Fifth Year to produce $400k wholesale value of herbal prodcts quarterly
*****invest $128K to cook $400K worth of products 4 times annually = $512K*****
I will hire 4 helpers paid $1.2K biweekly, $24K salary annually, including payroll taxes
Give away 2% = $8K wholesale value of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $32K. Compile customer database
Generate $392k in revenue every 10 weeks ($39.2K weekly). 4 times annually = $1,568K. Compile customer database
*****8 helpers will cook and package $1,600K worth of product annually from their kitchens at home.*****
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales & R&D
Pay myself and 8 helpers $24K salary annually
Net income before taxes is $780K
Expenses are approx $820K includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 8 helpers
Revenues are $1,568K
Business Plan Sixth Year to produce $800k wholesale value of herbal prodcts quarterly
*****invest $256K to cook $800K worth of products 4 times annually = $1,024K*****
Give away 2% = $16K wholesale value of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $64K. Compile customer database
Generate $784k in revenue every 10 weeks (78.4K weekly). 4 times annually = $3,136K. Compile customer database
I will hire 8 helpers for a total of 16, and pay each worker $1.2K biweekly, including payroll taxes
16 helpers will cook and package $3,200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at home.
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales & R&D
Pay myself $24K salary annually
Net income before taxes is $1,532K
Expenses $1,604K includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 16 helpers
Revenues are $3,136K
In year 5, I make my first million dollars.
I don't think I need more than 200 sales people
I am paying the same wages every year. I would like to reward helpers with annual $10k bonuses.
Outstanding Salespersons will get rewards too.
Annual party or picnic
I may raise wages
I must hire the right people I can trust! Can use psychological tests, security screening, etc.
I will need a secretary for admin work. Secretary too can work from home.
I plan to make herbal soap from melt and pour base
Herbal soap made this way requires no additional beeswax nor oils
Also no containers needed for soap, just moulds and wrapping in clear plastic
I will make products that make use of aroma science.
I am empowering people to contribute to a business from their home.
Is there a service out there that can cook and package my herbal products inexpensively in bulk quantities?
Cooks are human beings so production will be reduced by illness of helper.
I plan to exit the business by 2030. By then HighlyHerbal,ca should provide me with annual income of
$1,000K after taxes while the business is managed by a manager on salary with max 16 cooks.
$20K product involves 10K lip balms (sell 5 ml for $1 each), 3.333K salves (sell 45 ml for $3 each)
250 L EVOO oil ($2K @ $8/L), 50 kg herbs ($2.5K @ $50/Kg), 28kg beeswax ($625 @ $8/lb). Cost is $5,125.
10K lip balm containers ($2.1K ), 4K salve containers ($2K). Cost is $4.1K.
Total direct cost to produce $20K of product is approximately $9.225K
Except the lip balm containers and beeswax, these costs are based on the purchase of small quantities.
I need to reduce this cost.
My cost to produce $20K worth of product every 13 weeks should not exceed $8K
Each Quarter First year involves:
Spend 3 weeks cooking $20K worth of product.
Spend 10 weeks selling and giving away product
I have been fixing computers for the last 16 years in Toronto. I am http://DrPCDr.ca
My story, how I became DrPCDr.ca was published, http://drpcdr.ca/drpc.html.
After I fix a computer, I provide free system cleans whenever the system needs it. See my rescue video,
While serving many people in the Toronto area, I realized many people out there have more than just computer problems.
I decided to help people by deploying 500 educational videoes along with operating systems, Windows, Linux and OS X.
I decided I can help the www by sharing the educational videos online:
I have also created a site to help people find jobs:
Recently, I also deploy my collection of 600 songs. See my music [email redacted]:
I created a website to help me attend local festivals to distribute my business cards to people in the GTA:
I have always been interested in medical science. I studied biochemistry and pharmacy dispensing. See
Recently, I discovered how to make salves. Now I want to help people care for their well being.
I plan to market topical salves and lip balms that treat the following:
Peripheral pain and inflammation
Colds and flu
Hair loss
External skin ailments
Stress, anxiety, mood disorder, insomnia via aroma therapy
Withdrawal symptoms of past drug abuse via aroma therapy
Cuts, bruises, rash, itch
High blood pressure and blood clots
I am requesting your help. I need to purchase supplies in bulk, develop a sign, labels and business cards for my new venture in herbal salves.
I really like helping people and I strongly feel this is my purpose in life.
I will greatly appreciate your help in raising funds and will ship some free product to anyone who contributes funds toward my goal. Simply tell me what ails you and I will ship you the healing salves specific for your ailment.
Please understand that collectively your donation should greatly exceed the cost of shipping product to you.
Please subcribe to my updates that share my struggle to build a business with limited funds available to me.
Thanks in advance. May the force be with you!
Business Plan:
Business Plan First Year to produce $20k herbal prodcts quarterly
Startup required $72,000
invest $6,000 to cook $20,000 worth of products 4 times annually = $24,000
invest $24,000 to acquire customers, labels & marketing, Setup Online store, social media, R & D, etc.
Give away $14,000 of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $56,000. Compile customer database
Generate $6,000 in revenue every 10 weeks ($600 weekly). 4 times annually = $24,000. Compile customer database
Live on modest $24K annual salary
Net income $-24k
Expenses $48K
Revenue $24K
Business Plan Second Year to produce $50k herbal prodcts quarterly
invest $12,000 to cook $50,000 worth of products 4 times annually = $48,000
Give away $1,000 of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $4,000. Compile customer database
Generate $49k in revenue every 10 weeks ($4,900 weekly). 4 times annually = $196,000. Compile customer database
Hire a helper, Helpers are paid $1,200 biweekly to cook $10K of herbal products every 10 days.
Helpers will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at their home.
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales
Pay myself and 1 helper $24K salary annually
Net incone before taxes is $100k
Expenses $96K includes $24k annual salary I pay myself and 1 helper
Revenue $196K
Business Plan Third Year to produce $100k herbal prodcts quarterly
invest $24,000 to cook $100,000 worth of products 4 times annually = $96,000
Give away $2,000 of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $8,000. Compile customer database
Generate $98k in revenue every 10 weeks ($9,800 weekly). 4 times annually = $392,000. Compile customer database
I will hire 1 helper and pay each worker $600 weekly, including payroll taxes
Helpers will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at their home.
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales
Pay myself $24K salary annually
Net income in year 3 could be $224k+ before taxes
$168K expenses includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 2 helpers
$392k revenue
Business Plan Fourth Year to produce $200k herbal prodcts quarterly
invest $48,000 to cook $200,000 worth of products 4 times annually = $192,000
Give away $4,000 of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $16,000. Compile customer database
Generate $196k in revenue every 10 weeks ($19,600 weekly). 4 times annually = $784,000. Compile customer database
I will hire 2 helpers and pay each worker $600 weekly, including payroll taxes
Helpers will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at their home.
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales
Pay myself $24K salary annually
Net income before taxes is $472K
Expenses are approx $312K+ includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 4 helpers
Revenues of $784K annually
Business Plan Fifth Year
invest $96,000 to cook $400,000 worth of products 4 times annually = $384,000
Give away $8,000 of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $32,000. Compile customer database
Generate $392k in revenue every 10 weeks ($39,200 weekly). 4 times annually = $1,568,000. Compile customer database
I will hire 4 helpers and pay each worker $600 weekly, including payroll taxes
Helpers will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at their home.
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales
Pay myself $24K salary annually
Net income before taxes is $968K almost $1 million
Expenses are approx $600K includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 8 helpers
Revenues are $1,568,000
Business Plan Sixth Year
invest $192,000 to cook $800,000 worth of products 4 times annually = $768,000
Give away $16,000 of product every 13 weeks, 4 times annually = $64,000. Compile customer database
Generate $784k in revenue every 10 weeks (78,400 weekly). 4 times annually = $3,136,000. Compile customer database
I will hire 8 helpers for a total of 16, and pay each worker $1,200 biweekly, including payroll taxes
Helpers will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at their home.
I will be free from the burden of cooking herbal products and can concentrate on sales
Pay myself $24K salary annually
Net income before taxes is $1,960,000
Expenses are approx $1,176,000 includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 16 helpers
Revenues are $3,136,000
First year I make enough ($6,000 every quarter) to purchase ingredients and containers to produce $80k product annually.
To acquire customers, I am giving away free most ($56K) of the $80k in product
If I get $72K grant I can pay myself $24K modest annual salary plus pay $24K for startup costs and $24K reserve
Net income $-24K
Expenses $48K
Revenue $24K
If demand is strong enough, I could earn $100k before taxes in second year.
This is driven in part by 9K+ people who received about $6 of produt free throughout first year
I can supply retail $1 for lip balms and $2 soaps, $2.50 for salves
Suggested retail price $2 lip balms, $4 for soap, $5 for salves
I will give away $6 of product to each lucky person:
1 lip balm, 1 soap, 1 salve or
2 salves and 1 lip balm or
2 lip balms and 2 soaps or
6 lip balms or
4 lip balms and 1 soap
3 lip balms and 1 salve or
3 soaps
I will sell in bundles of 10 & 20 online, charging for shipping.
20 lip balms $20, 10 soaps $20, 10 salves $25
Second Year I am earning after expenses, $100k annually before taxes
To acquire customers, I am giving away 2 % ($4K) of the $200k in product.
After 1st quarter of year 2, I will start paying GST
Year 2 is critical!
Net incone before taxes is $100k
Expenses $96K includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 1 helper
Revenue $196K
Year 3 could see demand double, requiring me to cook $400,000 in product
To acquire customers, I am giving away 2 % ($8K) of the $400k in product.
I will hire 1 helper. Each helpper is required to produce $1,000 of product daily.
Each Helper will cook and package $200K worth of product annually from their kitchens at their home.
Each will be paid biweekly $1,200, earning a $24K annual salary.
Helpers may not be employees, they could be contractors
Net income in year 3 could be $246k+ before taxes
$146K expenses includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 2 helpers
$392k revenue
When demand doubles again, Year 4 would require 2 more helpers.
Net income before taxes is $496K
Expenses are approx $288K+ includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 4 helpers
Revenues of $784K annually should support this expenditure.
Demand doubles again in Year 5
Year 5 would require 4 more helpers for a total of 8
Net income before taxes is $968K almost $1 million
Expenses are approx $600K includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 8 helpers
Revenues are $1,568,000
I think 8 cooks are enough because too many cooks spoil the broth.
If demand doubles again in the 6th year I would need to hire another 8 cooks for a total of 16.
This would cause serious growing pains.
Demand doubles again in Year 6
End of year 6, I make almost 2 million, before taxes
Net income before taxes is $1,960,000
Expenses are approx $1,176,000 includes my $24k annual salary I pay myself and 16 helpers
Revenues are $3,136,000
I plan to make herbal soap from melt and pour base
Herbal soap made this way requires no additional beeswax nor oils
Also no containers needed for soap, just moulds and wrapping in clear plastic
I am empowering people to contribute to a business from their home.
Is there a service out there that can cook and package my herbal products inexpensively in bulk quantities?
Cooks are human beings so production will be reduced by illness of helper.
I plan to exit the business by 2030. By then HighlyHerbal,ca should provide me with annual income of
$500,000 after taxes while the business is managed by a manager on salary with max 8 cooks.
$20,000 product involves 10,000 lip balms (sell 5 ml for $1 each), 3,333 salves (sell 45 ml for $3 each)
250 L EVOO oil ($2,000 @ $8/L) , 50 kg herbs ($2,500 @ $50/Kg), 28kg beeswax ($625 @ $8/lb). Cost is $5,125.
10,000 lip balm containers ($2,100 ), 4,000 salve containers ($2,000). Cost is $4,100.
Total direct cost to produce $20,000 of product is approximately $9,225.
Except the lip balm containers and beeswax, these costs are based on the purchase of small quantities.
I need to reduce this cost by 50%.
My cost to produce $20,000 worth of product every 13 weeks should not exceed $6,000
So 250L EVOO should cost $1,000, 50 Kg herbs, $1,250, 28 kg beeswax costs $625
4,000 salve containers, $1,000, 10,000 lip balm containers $2, 100
Total cooking cost $5,975.
Each Quarter First year involves:
Spend 3 weeks cooking $20,000 worth of product.
Spend 10 weeks selling and giving away product
Christopher C. Charles
Cell [phone redacted]
Email [email redacted]
Christopher C. Charles
North York, ON