Help bring about justice for Johan Galtung and Irene
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Dear friends of Johan Galtung (professor and father of peace studies, nominated many times for the Nobel Peace Prize),
This is a fundraising appeal for Johan’s daughter, Irene (she holds a PhD in Law, with the thesis title: "Lawyers or Liars? Is World Hunger Suable in Court?").
Irene urgently needs your financial help, please. She needs money to help her father and herself, for lawyer fees and to cover expenses in connection with what was done against her father. She informed us of the following:
"Her father died on February 17, 2024.
The Norwegian State committed illegal acts against Professor Johan Galtung. They ran over him, tried to delete him as a person. Johan’s legal decisions and wishes were not respected by the State. For example:
• He was illegally taken away from his home in Norway, by force, against his will.
• Johan protested: "Where are my human rights?? I want to stay home. Let me stay home."
• He was suddenly, illegally declared mentally incompetent by one entity (when in reality, he was declared mentally competent again and again by numerous doctors, lawyers, government officials, police...).
• They illegally fired Johan’s lawyer, thereby leaving him lawyer-less and defenseless against what was being done illegally against him. Johan’s lawyer had tried to help him.
• The human rights of Johan and Irene were violated.
• False accusations were made against several people, which consequently left Johan even more defenseless.
• He was medicated against his will.
• He was illegally separated from his loving daughter, whom he wanted to be with.
• He even went on a hunger strike against this.
• Irene and lawyers fought for Johan’s and Irene’s human right to see each other. They saw each other again.
Irene took care of her elderly parents for years, alone.
She organized and trained every caregiver. She dealt with all the doctors, nurses, etc. She did everything she could, so they could stay at home for years.
In September 2023, Johan decided to move back to his native country Norway and live with Irene. Irene took care of him at her home.
Also, Johan Galtung’s money was illegally taken away, so Irene had to help him survive with - all - her savings! Johan even had to borrow clothes, a warm jacket and shoes from a friend, because other family members had taken away his money."
Johan continued to work for peace until the end. He continued to inspire people and was interviewed. Irene organized interviews for him even in January 2024. He was full of life.
Please if you can, Irene needs your help to pay for lawyers and expenses, against what was done against her father. A donation can help her accomplish the goal.
Thank you in advance for your contribution. You have no idea how much it means to her to have your support.
100 NOK is about $US 9.20.
(NOK = Norwegian Crowns = Norwegian currency)
(NOK is also abbreviated as Kr)
Thank you again!
Dag Viljen Poleszynski, MS/MBA/MSc/PhD
Editor, CEO of Foundation for Science and Reason, Jar, Norway (co-operated with Johan since 1974 and developed a close friendship over many decades including the years he directed a large UNU project called Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development)
Jan Oberg, PhD
Director of the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, TFF, Lund, Sweden (co-operated with Johan since 1974, I have benefited enormously from his knowledge, guidance and friendship)
We recognize the tremendous, loving work of Irene in support and care of Johan for many years – and what it has cost her also beyond money. We wholeheartedly support her appeal.
P.S. For those who want to see a short video (3 minutes) about Johan’s peace work, please see the link below:
Irene helped organize that interview in June 2022. Her father was 91 years old in the video.
The video was presented at the National Opera House, in Lisbon, Portugal, where he was awarded the Leif Eiriksson Peace Award 2022, which was presented by Thor Magnusson from the Peace 2000 Institute through the Mirpuri Foundation, 8 July 2022. Johan asked Irene to pick up the peace trophy for him and say some words to the audience for him. 1,400 people attended the award ceremony at the National Opera House.
Fundraising team (2)
Dag Viljen Poleszynski
Jar, 2
Jan Oberg
Team member