Stealing Axion | Aeons
Donation protected

Dear friends and fans,
Thank you for all of your support over the past few years. Without you guys we never would have accomplished what we have so far, but the time has come where we humbly ask for your help in creating this new album.
Most of you know that we previously released "Moments" through Inside Out and Century Media. Recently we have parted ways with the label and we'll be releasing this album on our own. When supported by a label, you have the comfort of receiving an advance to help cover the studio costs (although this is all taken out of royalties... meaning we will never make a dime off of the recording, this is pretty standard). . We have done everything we can to fund the album thus far, even getting to the point where we've sold a lot of our belongings and musical equipment. We have also taken on tons of extra hours at our day jobs but unfortunately this still isn't enough, as we struck hard times late last year with the cancellation of the Scar Symmetry tour. We had to buy a ton of merch as well as a drum kit to take on the road with hopes that the tour would help recoup these costs, as well as some of the debt incurred from the Euroblast tour (which was heavily funded from our own pockets). It's just one of those things. Unfortunately since then we have had to play catchup on these issues. Between this and Mixing/Mastering/Tracking/Album Art/Promotion and distribution and eventually printing... this all becomes very expensive.
The goal of this fundraiser is not to fund the entire cost of our next album, but to supplement our own income with your help to enable the album to be released in a timely manner and at a quality even greater than our debut.
Now for the gritty details:
- "Aeons" is our second studio album and is a direct followup continuing the story from our debut album "Moments."
- There are 11 tracks of personal border pushing progressive, groovy metal.
- We currently have enough material recorded to fill a full length CD to capacity!
- Full album art and digipak design by Igor Omodei of Uneven Structure!
- "Aeons" will be mixed and mastered by Acle Kahney of Tesseract at 4D Studios.
- Check out a pre production demo here:
What are the costs involved?
There are a LOT of expenses that are required to release a full length album. Without label backing where an advance is provided, it is extremely difficult to meet these high cost goals while still trying to maintain a life where we are not living on the streets begging for money! Thus far in this bands history, we have not made a single dollar of profit, in fact we are quite far in the red to be completely transparent. Regardless, we are doing this because we love to create music for ourselves and more importantly our fans. We fully intend to make the quality of this 2nd record exceed Moments in every way!
To give some insight at what expenses we have left to make on the album we'll break it down:
- Tracking/Mixing/Mastering/Licensing: $5000-6000
- Disc Duplication: The minimum we'd be looking at here is about 700$ or more depending on how many physical copies are pre-ordered.
- Album artwork - $500-1000 (budget depending)
- Gear: 0$ . PodXT/HD/X3 4 lyfe... we did have to buy a lot of strings though.
Why donate?
All donations will be going directly towards the funding and distribution of Aeons. Every donation takes us one step closer to getting it completed! We are using this not just as a fundraiser, but also as a pre-order platform of the album. We want to make sure you guys are getting a great value, and that you can own tangible evidence of your contributions.
We just wanted to take this last chance to thank you guys again for everything and we hope you enjoy our new single, "BFS9."
If you cannot make a contribution, fear not! Every tiny bit of help is much appreciated and is an essential role in promoting Stealing Axion. Visit our social media pages, share a video, share a song, give an mp3 to a friend, play Moments for your parents, make a video of your pet dancing to our music, etc.
We love you guys, thanks for checking out the page and we look forward to letting you guys hear this record!
Phil Willmarth
Tacoma, WA