Breaking The Poverty Cycle
Hello my name is Serena Mann and I am the founder of Heavenly Hearts Family Learning Place.
I will tell anyone that I was very blessed to find my calling early in life and it was to educate young children and give them the proper tools they needed to be successful in every aspect of their life.
I've had the opportunity to observe over the past 12 years that the environment a person is exposed to will have a lot of influence on the development and mindset of that individual. When people are underexposed to financial literacy, proper nutrition lack of emotional support and lack of personal /professional development it often leads to a cycle of poverty and an unfulfilled life. A mindset of scarcity and a feeling of entrapment, seeing no other options than the ones they previously have been experiencing.
We are looking to break the chains of bondage that keep people limited in any aspect of their life. Physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. This spring we will open a Holistic Technology Innovation Center in the city of Portsmouth, Virginia and offer a community resource program that will hold free workshops to teach people how to better understand the concepts that will let them be successful in their finances, support groups for various emotional issues, community fitness challenges and nutritional support and science, technology, engineering, art and math labs that will expose individuals to different interest that will help them align with their purpose and career paths.
The reason why I am so passionate about this cause is because it's exciting to know that we are raising a nation of children who will be confident in who they are and who will think limitlessly. A nation of people who are the very definition of innovative. I also am excited that parents who may not have been exposed to these concepts early on are not left out of the equation. They will have access to adult workshops as well that will help them develop new skills and positive outlets of self-expression. My belief is that this will help them pursue ideas that at one point in time were only a thought and because of their limited thinking and lack of resources they weren't able to put their dreams into motion.
I am asking you to help me raise money for a cause that is bigger than you and I. Something that will revolutionize the way people think and change lives forever. Everyone has a calling on their life and helping people align with their purpose through positive outlets of self-expression is mine.
I definitely cannot do this by myself because alone I am limited but together we are limitless!
Please Don't Leave Me Alone
Help Make a difference