Invest in Stedman Elementary!
Tax deductible
After a challenging few years, the hallways at Stedman Elementary have finally felt back to “normal” this year. Thanks to the generous support of our Stedman community, our students are thriving again in the classroom, exploring on field trips, and creating art with our full-time Art teacher – we are so grateful! Our school is bursting with energy, love, and increased enrollment.
As our school grows, our needs continue to grow too. The Stedman Community has been a valuable anchor to promote change through monetary support while still holding on to our values of Diversity, Inclusion, Community, and Equity. As before, we come to our community and networks, inviting you to show your love for and commitment to Stedman through financial support toward our two big goals for this campaign:
- Increased mental health support: The mental health needs of our incredibly diverse community is of the utmost importance and an area with the continued need for support.
- Enhancing our enrichment programming: Stedman's enrichment programming consists of gym, art, and music. We want to utilize our partners CHIC, Montessori on Wheels, and LAUNCH to enhance our enrichments by increasing opportunities to engage students in culturally responsive learning, mindfulness, and self-care activities.
We also need additional funds to continue supporting past goals, such as our full-time Art teacher and increased paraprofessional support, along with field trips and classroom materials.
To support the expenses for these much-needed programs, we have a BIG goal this year. Please help us show up for our students by making a donation today and spreading the word!
"You can’t have equity in the absence of inclusion. You can’t have community in the absence of diversity. None of this occurs by accident, but only through strategic planning and resources. Please support the Stedman Community as we shift the foundation of education for all students." - Mike Atkins, principal, Stedman Elementary School
Stedman PTA is a 501(c)3 supporting the students and staff of Stedman through supplies, excursions, staff support, family support, classroom experiences, mental health support, furniture, meals, and much more. Your donation is tax-deductible.
Fundraising team (2)
Stedman PTA
Denver, CO
Stedman PTA
Scott Skender
Team member