Medical Expenses / Deductibles
***NOTE The amount that you see as raised (2525$), was back in 2009 when I received my original dignosis pNETS (Panceatic Neuro-Endocrine Tumors). I am starting from ground zero.***
Dear Friends and Family,
As all of you know, I was diagnosed with Metastatic NeuroEndocrine Pancreatic Cancer in October of 2009. I won the initial battle, thanks be to God and His never ending mercy and grace. But I am again faced with numerous tumors that need to be resected. I have a large tumor in my liver, smaller tumors behind my right kidney and still more that are "free floating" tumors in my abdominal and pelvic cavities.
My surgery is scheduled for Friday, September 8th with a 7:20 A.M. start time. I am faced with medical deductibles, even though I have Medicare through my disability status. I am on a fixed income, still, and am needing some help for those additional medical expenses.
I know how tight this economy is, but if you can help without putting a financial strian on you and your family, would you prayerfully consider helping me?
Thank you for your time and prayerful consideration of my request for help. God bless and keep each and every one of you.
Warm Regards,
Stephanie Dahl