Stephen Lummus (My brother) Needs Your Help
Hello. My name is Jamie Webb, and I am the sister of this incredible man I’m writing about today (Stephen Lummus). He’s one of the
medical heroes who have put their lives on the front lines of this pandemic and given their all to take care of all of the sick he comes across. He gave of himself selflessly to help New York City in their time of crisis in the beginning of the pandemic and has continued the work here in Texas. He needs our help now. He contracted COVID-19 over a month ago and is having a very challenging time with recovering from it. He is currently at Medical City Plano being tested to see why he is having trouble breathing. Needless to say, he has not been able to return to work. And as you can imagine, this is taking a large toll on his ability to provide for his family (specifically, pay the rent, utilities, food, and now medical bills). I am asking on his behalf for any donations, whatever you feel comfortable with, to provide some relief for my sweet brother.
Also, PLEASE share this for me on your social media outlets, if you will. I am grateful for you and I thank you already for anything you can give. With love, Jamie Webb