Steps for Lewis
Lewis Docherty is an amazing 7yr old who as a 1yr old, was diagnosed with Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy – the Quad of this condition meaning all 4 limbs are affected. This disability affects the muscles & although there may be the same diagnosis of people, no two people in the world will be affected the same & this is certainly the case with Lewis! Lewis is such an amazing child who loves life yet he faces daily challenges. Frustrations replace unhappiness. The muscle tone in his legs especially, are so tight behind his knees that pain is an issue, his hips are affected & his bowels are uncontrolled. Tone problems are not restricted to his legs, his arms & hands are affected. In order to try to work one limb minimally, Lewis must not use another.
Lewis has been deemed as a prime candidate for Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) a procedure which could potentially allow liberation for Lewis & although this is a complex procedure which requires a pre & post operative programme, it offers amazing hope!
Although SDR is still not widely available in the UK, the technique itself is not new & has been performed mainly in the USA to treat cerebral palsy. This procedure could allow a less restricted or even an unrestricted body for Lewis. Although available on the NHS, Lewis's family must pay a substantial amount toward the cost.
The family must find £16,000 by June 2017 so the clock is now ticking & help is urgently needed to fund raise for Lewis. Plans are underway & events are being organised, however we are a long way off!
Lewis is a prisoner in his own body, please help him to be released from his sentence.
No donation is too small & all ideas & support for fund raising events are most welcomed.