Steve Mariucci Family Beacon House
Odell didn't expect to wake up in the middle of the night to hear his wife, Lynette, crying. Everything had been going so well, and their baby wasn't expected for another few months. But she was in severe pain, and bleeding. The baby was coming, and both their lives were in danger. The ambulance was called, but everyone knew that their small community hospital could not handle this type of emergency. Lynette would need to be airlifted to the regional hospital 160 miles from home.
Every day in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, someone is diagnosed with a life threatening illness or injury and need emergency medical care in Marquette. Families can be torn apart during a medical crisis if they can't afford to stay together so far from home. The hospital would take care of Lynette, but where was Odell going to stay? He was desperate to stay near his wife and baby while they fought for their lives. He couldn't imagine his life without them.
NICU babies. Cancer Patients. Brain Tumors. Heart Attacks. Auto Accidents.
They are why Steve Mariucci and his family are helping to build the new Beacon House right next to the hospital. No one will ever have to ask, "Where am I going to stay, and how am I going to be able to afford it?"
Since 2002, our mission has been to provide a safe, affordable place to stay during a medical crisis, with compassion and caring for the entire family. We treat every family with dignity and respect regardless of their income or ability to pay.
The old Beacon House provided over 325,000 overnight stays to people like Odell and Lynette, and saved families like theirs over $65 million in meals and lodging.
The new Steve Mariucci Family Beacon House raised enough money to get construction started, but now need your help to "Make it Home."
Please help with a donation of any size that you can afford, because you never know who is going to need us next, and we want to be there to help when they do.
Thank you!
For more information, please visit