Steve's Disablilty&Recovey Expenses
Hello everyone,
I'm Steve Cunninghams daughter Jordan. I am starting this GoFundMe account in regards to my dad who was in a car accident on the morning of Aug 22nd. Since the accident he has been in a medically induced comma so his body can rest and get the proper healing time it desperately needs. Due to this accident he has lost his mobility to his legs, meaning he will be condemned to a wheelchair. If anyone knows him, he is unable to sit still for long periods of time. The reason being for this account is so when he does become mobile he'll have all the needs necessary to move around comfortably and safely. His rehabilitation couldn't be any more important to our family and friends all we want is the best for him. He is still young and even more so at heart wanting to be involved in everything for everyone. The money raised will all go towards him having and receiving the best necessities for instance; ramps, wheelchairs, physical therapy, and whatever else is deemed medically necessary to his recovery. To everyone and their continues support we are all grateful and can't wait for when my Dad does wake up to show him all this love he has been receiving. I am so thankful for all this and can't even begin to explain how much all this means. So again thank you.