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Medical Fund For Stephen Njogu

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This is the story about 24-year-old Steven Njogu who has a will to live. Steven loves to make music that uplifts people, he is a giver and overall positive guy, and always looking to encourage everyone he comes in contact with. He’s a brother, a son, an uncle a dear friend and a dear son to me. Initially diagnosed with brain stem glioma in October 2014, and he began that journey towards healing and needs your kind help.

I’m Rosemary Njongu and I started this Campaign seeking your help to support my son Stephen Wanyoike.

My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2014, that same year Steven was diagnosed with brain stem glioma. The doctors said that they don't have the treatment for him. Things seemed well for a while after they started a cleansing diet, but it seemed like whenever Steven was doing better, Dad would be sick, and when Dad was doing better, Steven was having a hard time. Unfortunately, my husband lost the battle and left Steven in the field fighting. My son assured me that she was not gonna give up the battle and refused to die. And our search for hope journey begun aggressively.

In 2015, we discovered a doctor in Texas by the name Dr. Burzynski. Dr. Burzynksi had and continues to provide promising treatments for patients like Steven whose tumors are inoperable. However, his treatments cost an approximate $17,000 / month and they are not covered by our insurance (As it happens to rare diseases like this). Things got worse with Steven and there was a desperate need to do something. The doctors here said that the only thing they could do for Steven was radiation and chemo, and that was only meant to prolong his time to only a few more months. I thought it best to seek treatment rather than prolonging. Together with my community, we raised funds by starting a campaign on various social networks, all while depleting our savings. Steven started the first segment of treatment with no hopes of completion and great things started to happen. He improved drastically and could stand, walk and talk fluently again. The medication from Dr. Burzynski was working! 

Unfortunately, all the money we had saved up with my husband ran out and could not continue with the treatment as we have to pay beforehand. When he started off with the treatment things seemed pretty good, he improved and our hopes were restored in the name of our Lord. However, after we could not afford his treatment anymore, he started to deteriorate. He is not doing well and the doctor is ready to provide us with treatement as long as we get to afford it. We do not have any money with us. We are broke. After my husband passed on, I am the sole breadwinner and a mother of 5. I am not able to work since my son Steve needs me to provide him with care 24/7

We had to wait it out again.

Just last year, in 2017 and after radiation, medications and waiting, we had some more news. Steven was doing great until he began feeling some pain on his back and lower side of his neck. An MRI confirmed a new tumor growing on this neck. Further MRIs confirmed another tumor growing on his lower back/spine. With a total of now three tumors to date, it’s made Steven’s journey a bit more complex. We saw the radiation doctor again and they told us there isn't any other treatment that they believe will help him - they simply recommended he continue with the same radiation/chemo combination that would add days to his life while simultaneously inducing eventually fatal side effects. We have decided it isn’t best for Steven to have to go through that. Steven’s quality of life is very important to both him and to us, and we have decided to go back to the only alternative so far that has shown promise. Steven has a will to live.

There is the help and hope to be had through Dr. Burzynksi, but it comes at a cost and it’s not covered by the insurance. It will cost approximately $139,000 for 8 months of treatment, not including travel expenses, and other external medical expenses not covered by insurance. I don’t really have a job or any type of work, all I do is help my mom around the house and stuff. With the help of Stephen's friends, I decided to make this GoFundMe page to get help from you guys. My brother Steven has had cancer for 3 years now and now more than ever there is HOPE. Doctors at first gave him 9 months, but he persevered. Your financial support for this campaign will mean the world to us, anything you can give will help and will be appreciated. Do share your encouragement, your stories and help share him as well. I already lost my father to cancer... and I don’t want to lose someone else I’ve loved so much for years. Please help and donate. Thank You & Blessings.

Right now we need $61k to get Steven started with a 3 months treatment immediately. 
#FaithWithSteven #HopeForSteven

Watch: https://youtu.be/8Vd8VV-oD5o


  • James Kaige
    • 50 $
    • 7 Jahre
  • Emily Maina
    • 300 $
    • 7 Jahre
  • Jeliah Ogega
    • 20 $
    • 7 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 150 $
    • 7 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 50 $
    • 7 Jahre


Rosemary Njogu
Minneapolis, MN

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