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Stoke Mums Autumn Food Appeal

Donativo protegido
Families in Stoke are struggling, and we, as an organisation, are also struggling. Our referral numbers have increased in recent weeks by 500%, the number of new referrals we used to receive per week we are now receiving every single day. I lie awake every night wondering how on earth we are going to feed people this week. Wherever we can we signpost to our buddies that are also doing the good work across the city but they’re also stretched so thin. And that’s exactly it, we’re all stretched so thin. We have a 500% increase but we have the same number of volunteers and the same pot of money. I desperately don’t want to turn people away because where else do they go? We’re the bottom of the pile, the little organisation picking up those who slip through the cracks. So please, if you think that the work we do is fab and you’d like to buy us a coffee… donate a few quid if you’ve got it. And if you haven’t got it please share us far and wide! Every share could feed a family this week , every quid goes towards filling a little belly. Also if you’d like to fundraise on our behalf then please give us a shout!


Laura Carter

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