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Stop COVID-19 / MATAR-19 mobile app

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Develop in 5 days MATAR-19 a mobile app to stop COVID-19 propagation.

In this time of crisis, we all want to protect our close ones.

If you get symptoms or if are unfortunately tested positive to COVID-19, will you be able to name every person that crossed your path over the last 10 days???

Not likely.

The mobile app in development will keep track, on your cell phone only, of your exact locations.

This is a GREAT advantage over our limited memory capacity to remember everything. We call them SMART Phone... they are in fact powerful but we're not using them smartly.

When a new person will be tested positive to COVD-19, your phone will provide valuable information to the health agency in your province. This will enable them to identify likely virus propagation locations.

The health agency will then post these locations and the MATAR-19 mobile on your phone will cross-check your history on your phone.

MATAR-19 app on your phone will then notify you of your updated potential exposure to the virus.

If 2 days ago you were in close proximity of a person that has since been tested positive, you'll received a warning and will be invited to further reduce your social contacts to protect your loved ones (and the population in your region).

Join us in the fight against this invisible enemy
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  • Anonyme
    • $20
    • 4 yrs
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Jean-Philippe Monfet
Chicoutimi, QC

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