Stop Forever WIPP
Tax deductible
A Coalition Opposing the Expansion of WIPP
STOP FOREVER WIPP (Waste Isolation Pilot Plant) is a coalition of groups and individuals that work to hold the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) accountable to obey the law and keep their promises to the people and environment of the “Land of Enchantment.”
The STOP FOREVER WIPP coalition is excited to be working with two brilliant, next generation, Zuni Pueblo social media activists and artists to bring the Coalition’s work into the 21st century. Many of us having worked on these nuclear waste issues since we were young, now have grey hair. These young activists are helping us focus new attention on the threats to our shared home-land.
We need your financial help, to keep them developing and updating the social media network, to recruit other next generation activists to the issues, and to protect the people and lands of New Mexico.
Please donate as generously as you can.
WIPP is the nation’s first nuclear weapons waste geologic dump site. For decades before its 1999 opening, the People of New Mexico were promised two things:
1. There would be other nuclear waste repositories and New Mexico would not have to bear the sole nuclear waste burden.
2. WIPP would take some of the nation’s “legacy” nuclear waste and close in 2024.
Now, the federal government has plans to produce a new generation of nuclear bomb triggers, or plutonium pits. DOE needs a place to dispose of this next generation of nuclear weapons waste.
Since no other official repository for nuclear waste has been created, the current plan to expand WIPP violates both of those promises. The DOE wants to bring the newly generated weapons waste to WIPP and has applied to expand the amount, and kinds of waste allowed to be disposed of at WIPP with NO end date, hence FOREVER WIPP!
To physically expand WIPP, the DOE began digging a new shaft under a NMED “Temporary Authorization” without the required public hearing and without approval of the expansion permit.
Currently the NMED, nor any other agency or public official in the State has opposed the DOE’s WIPP expansion plan. In contrast, in Nevada, the people and officials together stopped the proposed Yucca Mountain site for high-level radioactive waste. New Mexico must follow Nevada’s example to STOP FOREVER WIPP.
New Mexico— it is our time to stand up and STOP FOREVER WIPP.
Here are links to some of the new STOP FOREVER WIPP social media public education work on this important issue.
DONATIONS EXCEEDING $250.00 USD will receive an original print by Pablo Marquez (Print will be given as supplies last)
Help us keep these two artist/activists working to get the word out about DOE’s FOREVER WIPP plans.
For more information, or to make a larger tax deductible donation, please contact Southwest Research and Information Center at: www.sric.org Thank you!
A Coalition Opposing the Expansion of WIPP
STOP FOREVER WIPP (Waste Isolation Pilot Plant) is a coalition of groups and individuals that work to hold the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) accountable to obey the law and keep their promises to the people and environment of the “Land of Enchantment.”
The STOP FOREVER WIPP coalition is excited to be working with two brilliant, next generation, Zuni Pueblo social media activists and artists to bring the Coalition’s work into the 21st century. Many of us having worked on these nuclear waste issues since we were young, now have grey hair. These young activists are helping us focus new attention on the threats to our shared home-land.
We need your financial help, to keep them developing and updating the social media network, to recruit other next generation activists to the issues, and to protect the people and lands of New Mexico.
Please donate as generously as you can.
WIPP is the nation’s first nuclear weapons waste geologic dump site. For decades before its 1999 opening, the People of New Mexico were promised two things:
1. There would be other nuclear waste repositories and New Mexico would not have to bear the sole nuclear waste burden.
2. WIPP would take some of the nation’s “legacy” nuclear waste and close in 2024.
Now, the federal government has plans to produce a new generation of nuclear bomb triggers, or plutonium pits. DOE needs a place to dispose of this next generation of nuclear weapons waste.
Since no other official repository for nuclear waste has been created, the current plan to expand WIPP violates both of those promises. The DOE wants to bring the newly generated weapons waste to WIPP and has applied to expand the amount, and kinds of waste allowed to be disposed of at WIPP with NO end date, hence FOREVER WIPP!
To physically expand WIPP, the DOE began digging a new shaft under a NMED “Temporary Authorization” without the required public hearing and without approval of the expansion permit.
Currently the NMED, nor any other agency or public official in the State has opposed the DOE’s WIPP expansion plan. In contrast, in Nevada, the people and officials together stopped the proposed Yucca Mountain site for high-level radioactive waste. New Mexico must follow Nevada’s example to STOP FOREVER WIPP.
New Mexico— it is our time to stand up and STOP FOREVER WIPP.
Here are links to some of the new STOP FOREVER WIPP social media public education work on this important issue.
DONATIONS EXCEEDING $250.00 USD will receive an original print by Pablo Marquez (Print will be given as supplies last)
Help us keep these two artist/activists working to get the word out about DOE’s FOREVER WIPP plans.
For more information, or to make a larger tax deductible donation, please contact Southwest Research and Information Center at: www.sric.org Thank you!
Co-organizers (2)
Don Hancock
Albuquerque, NM
Southwest Research and Information Center
Don Hancock
Team member