Donation protected

Dear fellow Califorians, after 5years of illegal "solar radiation management" AKA "geoengineering". The health of our population and earth have reached devastating effects. Many of you are suffering ill health and wondering why? The entire Sierra National Forest is dying 102million dead trees and counting. The aerosols sprayed contain aluminum, known to cause Alzheimers and Autism. The public must be informed of these crimes against humanity causing our faux "drought". My goal is to start on Hwy 99 with one BILLBOARD, leading people to info on GeoengineeringWatch.org where a vast amount of info can be found. Then with each dollar over billboard #1 we will procede south and next one North and so on until all of hwy 99 is full and the whole state has been informed. These crimes must be stopped, "I DO NOT CONSENT!" Do you? I have left my job as a pre-school teacher because once I was aware, I could not bare to see my kids outside on "spray days" I am now a full-time activist to stop this gradual genocide and ecocide. All donations will help to save our future and state. Let's stand up to big government and it's illegal spraying of citizens (see Nuremburg code) Thanks for your help, fighting on! Cynthia S.
Cynthia Sobel
Oakhurst, CA