Stop the Pimmit Pipeline! (Appeal Process)
Donation protected
The Pimmit Hills Citizens’ Association (PHCA) is collecting funds to support a group of Pimmit Hills residents with their legal battle. The residents are seeking to raise an additional $15,000 to cover new legal fees for the continuation of court litigation in an effort to prevent a planned 24” wide, high pressure gas pipeline routed through the Pimmit Hills neighborhood that does not serve the homes in Pimmit Hills.
Friends and Neighbors of Pimmit Hills,
We are once again asking for your support to keep a natural gas transmission pipeline out of the heart of Pimmit Hills. We need to raise $1,500 to initiate an appeal of the recent Fairfax County Circuit Court which granted Washington Gas the ability to put their transmission pipelines almost anywhere they want in Fairfax County, without Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approval, and an estimated $15,000 total for the entire appeal.
Washington Gas is seeking to install a 24-inch, high-pressure natural gas pipeline through the Pimmit Hills neighborhood. For several years, the neighborhood has banded together and advocated to keep the pipeline routed on wider roads outside the neighborhood, instead of through the neighborhood.
Funds raised will support the legal fees needed to file this appeal and a stay in order to halt any construction while the legal process continues. Many friends and neighbors have contributed to make our fight to date possible, and we are deeply grateful for your continued commitment to our neighborhood community. Thank you in advance for anything you can contribute!
PHCA has posted this GoFundMe campaign as a courtesy to these residents and with the understanding that many in the community support their effort. This campaign is governed by an agreement approved by voting members at our July 2023 community meeting. The PHCA is collecting funds raised to ensure transparency and accountability. Any unused funds will be donated to PHCA.
Pimmit Hills Citizens’ Association
Falls Church, VA