Stopping the DPI from killing bees.
Donation protected
They started by destroying 4000 beehives.
Then they killed 4000 more beehives.
Then they killed another 5000 beehives.
And it was still not enough, so they killed another 5000 beehives.
Then they killed another 6000 beehives, and it wasn't enough.
When we reach our donation goal, this killing of bees will be stopped.
My name is Dolfi; I am an experienced bee beekeeper with extensive knowledge of the Varroa Mite. In June 2022, the Varroa Mite was discovered in Newcastle, NSW. The Department of Primary Industries (DPI) undertook a plan of action under an Emergency Response Phase, which involves both killing Bees in the Red Zones as well as laying Fipronil traps that kill not only honeybees but also native bees, insects, birds and mammals (and stays toxic for three years).
Ten months after the first discovery, the Red Zones are continuously spreading. I estimate that 25,000 hives have been destroyed, and if the DPI continues its measures, 150,000 beehives and 45000 feral swarms will be killed. The Red Zones are 10km Eradication Zones around infested sites, regardless of whether hives have the Varroa Mite.
Recent correspondence from the Chair of the National Management Group and Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has stated that they have no plans to move from the Emergency Response Phase of killing bees to a Management Phase. This has led me to hire a Solicitor, Stewart Levitt, from LEVITTROBINSON Solicitors. I aim to apply to the Supreme Court for a PERMANENT INJUNCTION and a total BAN ON KILLING BEES. To take this to the Supreme Court, I need to raise $75,000.
In the Supreme Court, we will be demanding that the DPI supplies scientific proof as to the validity of their measures. Specifically, to release the modelling underpinning their strategy, including the scientific evidence explaining their extreme actions. Beekeepers whose livelihoods have been significantly impacted, and the wider community, deserve to know on what basis these actions have been taken.
Honeybees are under threat around the world due to pesticide use and are disappearing at a rapid rate. Estimates state that one-third of all food is dependent on bees. It's horrifically short-sighted for the DPI to use a "Scorched Earth" approach to our bees and to the natural environment.
We must move to the treatment and containment stage. Australia was the last continent in the world not to have Varroa Mite. Despite repeated and expensive attempts, no major beekeeping nation has managed to get rid of the Varroa Mite. However, there are many natural holistic methods for dealing with Varroa. We must protect the rest of Australia by turning NSW into a treatment zone and not allowing hives to be transported over borders. We must investigate proven ways to treat Varroa through mechanical and safe chemical methods used worldwide for decades.
Killing bees is not the solution. If we do not act now, the killing of bees and the devastating effects on our wildlife and food production will continue. This is occurring under a shroud of secrecy, without any capacity for people to see the science or to be able to raise concerns.
My bees have been killed, and my livelihood (like many others) has been eradicated. But I am compelled to halt the Emergency Response and to protect bees and the natural environment from such short-sighted, unscientific, and harmful measures. I ask for your support.
I am raising funds to hire a Solicitor, Stewart A Levitt from "Levitt Robinson" https://www.levittrobinson.com to take this matter to the Supreme Court.
Our cost to get the Injunction has been estimated at $75,000, achieving the Injunction in full in court.
Dolfi Benesh
Saint Ives Chase, NSW