Strathspey King Memorial Fund
We are the Strathspey King Memorial Fund. Our aim is to ensure the memory and the music of this highly talented fiddler who was born in our local town of Banchory is understood and appreciated. His interpretation of our land and its people has led to him writing over 650 amazing pieces of music which have been featured in films, played by pop groups, and of course the world of Scottish fiddle music. The town of Banchory has a restaurant/pub named after the great man and he also has the Scott's Skinner square in the town which would be enhanced by a life-sized statue of our hero. We envision people from the world over coming to visit this statue and play their fiddle at the feet of this great man. Skinner died in 1927, his music lives on and we are confident that a bronze life-size statue on a granite plinth situated in the heart of his hometown will ensure he is remembered by his fellow musicians and admirers for years to come.