Strebe Family Expenses
Donation protected
10/28/2016: I woke up this morning to a negative comment from a stranger on this campaign. Although it sent me into full big sister bear mode and ready to attack (I think the lack of sleep/food over the past 3 days didn't help that reaction) it made me realize that this has gone so much further than just our friends and family which is only as far as I had expected it to go. For that reason, I've decided not to respond to unneccessary negativity and to update the description with a little more details. My family has been absolutely overwhelmed by love and support the last few days from friends, family, and complete strangers that I think you deserve to know more about the beautiful kids you're praying for.
On Tuesday, October 25th my little sister Kirsten (16) and my little brother Elias (13) dropped a very good friend off at his home around 4:45pm-my Dad just happened to be at that house at the time. They both gave my dad big goofy grins and waved before driving off. About ten minutes later my dad started hearing sirens. He looked at the kids' friend (Jacob) and said that can't be them the timing is too quick, as a pit started forming in his stomach. Jacob told him that he would drive down the road to see just to double check. A few minutes later Jacob called his house and confirmed that the accident was Kirsten. A little over a mile away from where they had just dropped him off something happened that caused her to over correct, roll her Chevy Blazer multiple times down the highway before it rolled down an embankment and slammed full force into a tree on Elias' door. Both were unconscious at the scene, had to be cut out of the car and flown to St Louis Children's Hospital 2 hours away from their home in small town Salem, MO. I won't repeat the details of their injuries as they are already listed in the many updates my Dad and Stepmom have been posting that I share on this page.
What all our friends and family already know, is that we are two weeks away from the 13 year anniversary of when our older brother Ryan "J.R." Strebe and his girlfriend died in a horrific car accident. Having my two youngest siblings in critical condition with severe traumatic brain injuries from another car accident is indescribable. Kirsten is not another 16 year old reckless driver, she is more aware than most as far as what can happen when behind the wheel. These children are two of the most intelligent, compassionate, respectful, and loving kids I have ever known in my life-and I'm not just saying that because they are my siblings. They have both skipped grades in school and both have held straight A's since Kindergarten. Very active in different sports and school programs. They both have scored extremely well on their ACT exams. Elias was requested by Duke University to take his ACT in the 7th grade to be a part of their scholastic talent search program. Kirsten was just awarded a Regent Scholarship and accepted into the honors program at South East Missouri University where she was planning on majoring in forensic chemistry with a minor in criminology. She is currently ranked number one in her senior class with a 4.0 GPA (she has maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout her entire high school experience.) I could only daydream about being half as intelligent and as full of promise as these two are.
It has made me absolutely sick to my stomach that I had to even create this page. Neither my Dad nor my Stepmom (Kirsten and Elias' mom) requested me to do this, knew I was going to do this, nor would even ask anyone for money. Money is the last thing they are even thinking about and honestly, I asked my dad last night if he had looked at the page and seen all of the people who had contributed and he said he hadn't even opened it up yet. I had to make him sit down for a few minutes and scroll through so he could read some of the love and support comments we've received from all of you. I am truly blown away by everyone's generosity in our time of need and it is appreciated way more than I can even put into words.
In my haste to create the page I had made a statement that the two of them could be spending weeks in the hospital if things go well and who knows how long if things continue the way they are. Wishful thinking I suppose. Finally getting to the hospital myself and listening to the doctors and the nurses and having the reality of the severity of this situation hit me full on I realize just how wrong I truly was. We do not have one, but TWO children in critical condition with severe TBI's among many, many other serious issues and multiple fractures throughout each of their bodies. Neither of them are stable, neither have regained consciousness since the accident, and neither can even breath on their own at this time. They are both looking at no less than months in the hospital if things go well and an unknown amount of time in rehab afterwards. We have absolutely no idea what their condition will be in the future. A miracle could happen and they may fully recover months down the road but the possibility of staying in a vegetative state has unfortunately not been taken off the table yet. There is absolutely no way that insurance will cover all let alone most of this for two children. My father was forced into retirement about 17 years ago due to a back injury and is unable to work. My stepmom will without a doubt lose her job as she will not be able to leave her two children in a hospital 2+ hours away while they are in the critical condition they are. I created this page as a way to let them focus fully on my siblings and not to even have to think about anything else. I can't fathom the outrageous medical bills that have already started to pile up in addition to household bills they already have, food, housing, and transportation while away from home for an extended period of time. We do not expect anything from anyone and we are truly appreciative of every donation and prayer we receive. Anything I can do to help my family, I need to try to do.
I honestly cannot describe how grateful we are to have everyone's thoughts and prayers focused on our two babies. They deserve to live a full, happy, and healthy life in this world. I ask that if you have negative comments or questions that you please direct them to me personally using the message option next to my name as the campaign creator. This may be just another story to you but this is our life now. #StrebeStrong

I'm including the first update that my Dad posted on the night of the accident as well as the first news article that was written:
http://www.thesalemnewsonline.com/article_f7842912-9b1f-11e6-abd5-13c649f78830.htmlUpdate from my Dad:
John Strebe:
I feel awkward posting. But there are to many people to call. It's just before 4 am. They are still actively doing procedures on Elias Aj Strebe. They have completed procedures for Kirsten Strebe as of this time and they are monitoring her. Both are still in critical condition. Both have major concerns and have traumatic brain injuries. Both are on ventilators. Neither have gained consciousness since the accident. Kirsten had a drain placed into her brain in an attempt to remove blood from the ventricles. Elias just had a main line put into his pelvic artery. They placed a fiber optic pressure measuring device into his brain. He has several areas where there is bleeding on brain. So they could not put a drain in. He has several fractures in the face and fractured pelvis and collapsed lung. They repaired a cut artery in his finger. And believe the blood in his pelvic cavity may be coming from the fracture cutting into artery. He has received blood transfusions and they are trying to keep his blood pressure up. We appreciate all the love and support we have seen so far, it is greatly appreciated. I figured I would send this out to give real information so everyone hears the truth. At this time there are no visitors other than family. The staff advised us. Cards, milar balloons and stuff animals are permitted. No flowers or latex balloons. They do not have room numbers only assigned trauma numbers at this time. They advised that if anything was sent, address it to their names in the PICU. St Louis Children's hospital. Elias and Kirsten are on opposite sides of the PICU. They are not together. We ask that you continue with prayers. I will try to post once daily with real info on their conditions.
On Tuesday, October 25th my little sister Kirsten (16) and my little brother Elias (13) dropped a very good friend off at his home around 4:45pm-my Dad just happened to be at that house at the time. They both gave my dad big goofy grins and waved before driving off. About ten minutes later my dad started hearing sirens. He looked at the kids' friend (Jacob) and said that can't be them the timing is too quick, as a pit started forming in his stomach. Jacob told him that he would drive down the road to see just to double check. A few minutes later Jacob called his house and confirmed that the accident was Kirsten. A little over a mile away from where they had just dropped him off something happened that caused her to over correct, roll her Chevy Blazer multiple times down the highway before it rolled down an embankment and slammed full force into a tree on Elias' door. Both were unconscious at the scene, had to be cut out of the car and flown to St Louis Children's Hospital 2 hours away from their home in small town Salem, MO. I won't repeat the details of their injuries as they are already listed in the many updates my Dad and Stepmom have been posting that I share on this page.
What all our friends and family already know, is that we are two weeks away from the 13 year anniversary of when our older brother Ryan "J.R." Strebe and his girlfriend died in a horrific car accident. Having my two youngest siblings in critical condition with severe traumatic brain injuries from another car accident is indescribable. Kirsten is not another 16 year old reckless driver, she is more aware than most as far as what can happen when behind the wheel. These children are two of the most intelligent, compassionate, respectful, and loving kids I have ever known in my life-and I'm not just saying that because they are my siblings. They have both skipped grades in school and both have held straight A's since Kindergarten. Very active in different sports and school programs. They both have scored extremely well on their ACT exams. Elias was requested by Duke University to take his ACT in the 7th grade to be a part of their scholastic talent search program. Kirsten was just awarded a Regent Scholarship and accepted into the honors program at South East Missouri University where she was planning on majoring in forensic chemistry with a minor in criminology. She is currently ranked number one in her senior class with a 4.0 GPA (she has maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout her entire high school experience.) I could only daydream about being half as intelligent and as full of promise as these two are.
It has made me absolutely sick to my stomach that I had to even create this page. Neither my Dad nor my Stepmom (Kirsten and Elias' mom) requested me to do this, knew I was going to do this, nor would even ask anyone for money. Money is the last thing they are even thinking about and honestly, I asked my dad last night if he had looked at the page and seen all of the people who had contributed and he said he hadn't even opened it up yet. I had to make him sit down for a few minutes and scroll through so he could read some of the love and support comments we've received from all of you. I am truly blown away by everyone's generosity in our time of need and it is appreciated way more than I can even put into words.
In my haste to create the page I had made a statement that the two of them could be spending weeks in the hospital if things go well and who knows how long if things continue the way they are. Wishful thinking I suppose. Finally getting to the hospital myself and listening to the doctors and the nurses and having the reality of the severity of this situation hit me full on I realize just how wrong I truly was. We do not have one, but TWO children in critical condition with severe TBI's among many, many other serious issues and multiple fractures throughout each of their bodies. Neither of them are stable, neither have regained consciousness since the accident, and neither can even breath on their own at this time. They are both looking at no less than months in the hospital if things go well and an unknown amount of time in rehab afterwards. We have absolutely no idea what their condition will be in the future. A miracle could happen and they may fully recover months down the road but the possibility of staying in a vegetative state has unfortunately not been taken off the table yet. There is absolutely no way that insurance will cover all let alone most of this for two children. My father was forced into retirement about 17 years ago due to a back injury and is unable to work. My stepmom will without a doubt lose her job as she will not be able to leave her two children in a hospital 2+ hours away while they are in the critical condition they are. I created this page as a way to let them focus fully on my siblings and not to even have to think about anything else. I can't fathom the outrageous medical bills that have already started to pile up in addition to household bills they already have, food, housing, and transportation while away from home for an extended period of time. We do not expect anything from anyone and we are truly appreciative of every donation and prayer we receive. Anything I can do to help my family, I need to try to do.
I honestly cannot describe how grateful we are to have everyone's thoughts and prayers focused on our two babies. They deserve to live a full, happy, and healthy life in this world. I ask that if you have negative comments or questions that you please direct them to me personally using the message option next to my name as the campaign creator. This may be just another story to you but this is our life now. #StrebeStrong

I'm including the first update that my Dad posted on the night of the accident as well as the first news article that was written:
http://www.thesalemnewsonline.com/article_f7842912-9b1f-11e6-abd5-13c649f78830.htmlUpdate from my Dad:
John Strebe:
I feel awkward posting. But there are to many people to call. It's just before 4 am. They are still actively doing procedures on Elias Aj Strebe. They have completed procedures for Kirsten Strebe as of this time and they are monitoring her. Both are still in critical condition. Both have major concerns and have traumatic brain injuries. Both are on ventilators. Neither have gained consciousness since the accident. Kirsten had a drain placed into her brain in an attempt to remove blood from the ventricles. Elias just had a main line put into his pelvic artery. They placed a fiber optic pressure measuring device into his brain. He has several areas where there is bleeding on brain. So they could not put a drain in. He has several fractures in the face and fractured pelvis and collapsed lung. They repaired a cut artery in his finger. And believe the blood in his pelvic cavity may be coming from the fracture cutting into artery. He has received blood transfusions and they are trying to keep his blood pressure up. We appreciate all the love and support we have seen so far, it is greatly appreciated. I figured I would send this out to give real information so everyone hears the truth. At this time there are no visitors other than family. The staff advised us. Cards, milar balloons and stuff animals are permitted. No flowers or latex balloons. They do not have room numbers only assigned trauma numbers at this time. They advised that if anything was sent, address it to their names in the PICU. St Louis Children's hospital. Elias and Kirsten are on opposite sides of the PICU. They are not together. We ask that you continue with prayers. I will try to post once daily with real info on their conditions.
Organizer and beneficiary
John Strebe
Parkville, MD
John Strebe