Strengthening our Teaneck Public Schools Together
Donation protected
Hello wonderful Teaneck families.
On behalf of the “Coalition of Neighborhood Associations for a Better Teaneck'', we are inviting ALL Teaneck residents to our first annual potluck/picnic, in support of our Teaneck Public Schools. This will be on Sunday June 9th from 2 to 6 pm, at Votee Park (Rain date June 16th 2-6pm).
Learn about our school’s exciting new initiatives and Scholarship opportunities:
*Associate’s Degree Program
*Career and Technical Education Internships
*Special Education initiatives
*Teaneck Community Scholarship Fund
*NJ STARS program- making college education accessible and affordable.
Learn about our Teaneck Public School Summer 2024 Course Offerings:
*Extended School Year Program (ESY)
*Lacey Learning Lab for incoming Kindergartners
*Summer Intervention Programs at the Elementary and Middle Schools
*Summer Impact Programs for incoming 5th and 9th Graders
*And more….
Your participation will undoubtedly contribute to the success of this initiative and leave a lasting impact on our students’ futures. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require further information. Your donation of any amount to the picnic would be greatly appreciated as we work towards empowering our students through education.
Coalition of Neighborhood Associations for a Better Teaneck
Teaneck, NJ