Student 8th Grade Class Trip to Washington, DC.
Donation protected
Hello, my name is Ceilia Jackson and I am fundraising for my son 8th grade class trip. His entire 8th grade graduating class will be going to Washington, DC. This is a trip that I really want my son to be able to attend. Isaiah will have so much fun and while he is learning about the history of our country. He will be visiting Capital Hill, Jefferson Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, Monticello, Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown Settlement and the Yorktown Battlefields. This is a once in a lifetime adventure and he will get to explore some our nation's most important historical sites while experiencing incomparable learning moments. The funds will cover 7 days and 6 nights, transportation to and from his destinations while on the trip, hotel accommodations, plane fare, admission to all the attractions, all his meals, course leader, night chaperones, 24-hour emergency support, accident and medical insurance AND the opportunity to earn free academic credit. I am a single parent and I work very hard to make sure that my son has everything he needs. I also do all that I can to make sure that he gets the all the best education and academic opportunities afforded to him. I really do not want him to miss out on this opportunity and with your help he will be able to go. Anything that I can do to help contribute to my son's success for his future I will do. This gofund me page is one resource. Any amount is greatly appreciated. Large or small, everything helps.
Thank you for your help.
Ceilia Jackson
Ceilia Jackson
Sacramento, CA