Art Studio: A new Life
Donation protected
Over the last 2 years, I have changed my mission statement for work. It is a quote that when I heard it the first time, it never left my heart again. "Don't ask yourself if it pays? Ask yourself, Is it good?" Will it be good for others?
And after so much struggle, I can now authentically answer this question from genuine strong conviction, unequivocally
yes!! Being an artist IS good. It is good for the world, good for communities, good for homes and businesses. It gives back in so many ways.

I wouldn't have been able to tell you that even 5 years ago. I was so turned around in my understanding.
For years, I devalued the vocation of "artist," thinking that it was not a "real viable occupation" ( especially when I was in my teens and early and mid 20's ). Why you ask? I think the work that was being made in college, lack of wisdom on the issue, lack of understanding and or counsel. It was a mixture of things really.
I have an art degree ( BFA in Mixed Media), although, right from the moment I graduated, I kept thinking that I should be doing something else to "make money."
I sought counsel on the issue and kept getting the same feedback, "it is too hard or impossible to make it as an artist, so you shouldn't even try."
From my earliest memory, I was always gifted in drawing and I grew to be gifted also in painting, sculpture and photography, just like my daughter. It was enough that every living soul I knew told me I would "be an artist one day" and to gain the attention of all my teachers along the years, friends, and family, and my college instructors & was winning awards in college for my paintings, getting press attention for my work.
I ended up getting very confused along my art journey and got dreadfully lost along the way.
Then one day, I thought I found my way home to my own/new "work destiny" when I became a family photographer in the year 2000.
Although, I loved it, and loved the people I was meeting and photographing, there was always a still small voice in my soul, whispering, "there is more for you to do than this." I listened, but I didn't know what to do with it yet.
Since quite abruptly moving to NYC/Brooklyn in 2012,
all that I thought I would do for the rest of my working life has dissolved fairly quickly.
And I find myself standing here not knowing exactly what I need to do, but slowly it is unfolding and the answers are surfacing. Blessed to have found the Faith and Work Art Bible studies at the Redeemer Church, it literally rocked my understanding of "why we should make art" and why it is one of the most valuable things on earth to do.
It is becoming clearer to me each day. It is like the scales are falling off my eyes and I am becoming new.
This understanding has pushed me to question everything, to spend time with the hard questions of why and to believe that this journey is worth walking into. This goal of making art full time, with your help can be a reality for me and my daughter.
As a Mixed media photographer and painter and a mom of a very gifted young artist, I have decided to dive completely in, but I don't know what exactly the results will be in the end. I am taking a chance.
I could really use your help. Actually, I need help to move forward.

Paint costs a small fortune. Canvas, and supplies do too.
In order for me to even have a chance, I need to have a space to work and supplies to work with and space in time to be creative without stress, and it is one of those what-comes-first-the-Chicken-or-the-Egg situations.

I have to have a certain amount of money to get the space, and I have to have space to generate the work to actually make the money to pay for the space. (my brain explodes here). So I am hoping that I do not have to get a loan. That I can depend on my work right from the get go to pay for this space.
I am looking forward to diving in with my whole heart and devoting all my working hours to this venture.
Also equally important to me is to share this with my 10 year old daughter and shepherd her too.
I want her to see me being a powerful woman and being brave to take this chance in doing exactly what I am being called to do so that she can see that it is possible. One day, she will also have to choose, and I hope she chooses her art over all things to do. Just look at her fun talent. She has way more fans than I!!
here are a few of her pieces ...

In order to get the space I need around $5000 for rent and around $1000 in supplies to give me space in time to begin without the constant stress of paying back debt and wondering how it is all going to work. This would cover supplies and rent for 5 months. Of course I would have no problem with raising more, to work longer. But this will give me a great start! And by then I will start to generate a revenue and can be well on my way.
This would be the greatest gift to me and my family ever. Honestly, I don't know where this will lead yet, and that is so scary to me. But I will never know unless I get an opportunity to give it my complete all.
The great news is that you can come on this adventure with me by your support.
So basically if you choose to donate, you are pre-purchasing a work of art of your own!
My objective is to stay authentic, pursue creativity, give generously, care deeply, create often, and work with conviction. To stay true to and close to my heart and connect with those who are aligned with a similar purpose.
I hope to teach, inspire, give generously, and make and create at least 8 hours a day for at least 5 months to see what happens.
Much love and so much thanks!!!
Your donation =
$800 donation= you an original work of art/ mixed media painting with frame ( around 24 x 24 size may vary) and one original drawing from Lia.
with a $700 donation, an original work of art/ mixed media painting with frame ( around 20 x 20 size may vary) and one original drawing from Lia.
with a $600 donation, an original work of art/ mixed media painting with frame ( around 12 x 12 size may vary) and one original drawing from Lia.
with a $500 donation, an original work of art/ mixed media painting with frame (two 10 x 10 size may vary)
and one original drawing from Lia.
with a $400 donation, an original work of art/ mixed media painting with frame ( two 8 x 8 sizes may vary)
and one original drawing from Lia.
with a $300 donation, an original work of art/ mixed media painting with frame ( one 8 x 8 size may vary)
and one original drawing from Lia.
with a $200 donation, an original work of art/ mixed media painting with frame ( one 5 x 5 size may vary or a signed 11 x 17 print of any of my paintings )
and one original drawing from Lia.
with a $100 donation, 3 5 x 5 prints of paintings
$50 donation one 5 x 5 print
*** just to give you an idea of where I have been creating currently... we ( our family of 4) live in a very small 2 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn (that we pay more for than you would ever want to know).
It is just not the best working situation for an artist in the least. My rear-end goes completely numb for sitting on the floor the whole time and I continue to accidentally get paint on our rugs and furniture. It is not the best place to let loose and be free to create and my work gets a little stiff here. I am looking forward to slopping paint all over the place and getting to create uninhibited ***

Some of my older college works:

I am currently working on getting my website for Art and would love to share that with you when it does go live.
And after so much struggle, I can now authentically answer this question from genuine strong conviction, unequivocally
yes!! Being an artist IS good. It is good for the world, good for communities, good for homes and businesses. It gives back in so many ways.

I wouldn't have been able to tell you that even 5 years ago. I was so turned around in my understanding.
For years, I devalued the vocation of "artist," thinking that it was not a "real viable occupation" ( especially when I was in my teens and early and mid 20's ). Why you ask? I think the work that was being made in college, lack of wisdom on the issue, lack of understanding and or counsel. It was a mixture of things really.
I have an art degree ( BFA in Mixed Media), although, right from the moment I graduated, I kept thinking that I should be doing something else to "make money."
I sought counsel on the issue and kept getting the same feedback, "it is too hard or impossible to make it as an artist, so you shouldn't even try."
From my earliest memory, I was always gifted in drawing and I grew to be gifted also in painting, sculpture and photography, just like my daughter. It was enough that every living soul I knew told me I would "be an artist one day" and to gain the attention of all my teachers along the years, friends, and family, and my college instructors & was winning awards in college for my paintings, getting press attention for my work.
I ended up getting very confused along my art journey and got dreadfully lost along the way.
Then one day, I thought I found my way home to my own/new "work destiny" when I became a family photographer in the year 2000.
Although, I loved it, and loved the people I was meeting and photographing, there was always a still small voice in my soul, whispering, "there is more for you to do than this." I listened, but I didn't know what to do with it yet.
Since quite abruptly moving to NYC/Brooklyn in 2012,
all that I thought I would do for the rest of my working life has dissolved fairly quickly.
And I find myself standing here not knowing exactly what I need to do, but slowly it is unfolding and the answers are surfacing. Blessed to have found the Faith and Work Art Bible studies at the Redeemer Church, it literally rocked my understanding of "why we should make art" and why it is one of the most valuable things on earth to do.
It is becoming clearer to me each day. It is like the scales are falling off my eyes and I am becoming new.
This understanding has pushed me to question everything, to spend time with the hard questions of why and to believe that this journey is worth walking into. This goal of making art full time, with your help can be a reality for me and my daughter.
As a Mixed media photographer and painter and a mom of a very gifted young artist, I have decided to dive completely in, but I don't know what exactly the results will be in the end. I am taking a chance.
I could really use your help. Actually, I need help to move forward.

Paint costs a small fortune. Canvas, and supplies do too.
In order for me to even have a chance, I need to have a space to work and supplies to work with and space in time to be creative without stress, and it is one of those what-comes-first-the-Chicken-or-the-Egg situations.

I have to have a certain amount of money to get the space, and I have to have space to generate the work to actually make the money to pay for the space. (my brain explodes here). So I am hoping that I do not have to get a loan. That I can depend on my work right from the get go to pay for this space.
I am looking forward to diving in with my whole heart and devoting all my working hours to this venture.
Also equally important to me is to share this with my 10 year old daughter and shepherd her too.
I want her to see me being a powerful woman and being brave to take this chance in doing exactly what I am being called to do so that she can see that it is possible. One day, she will also have to choose, and I hope she chooses her art over all things to do. Just look at her fun talent. She has way more fans than I!!
here are a few of her pieces ...

In order to get the space I need around $5000 for rent and around $1000 in supplies to give me space in time to begin without the constant stress of paying back debt and wondering how it is all going to work. This would cover supplies and rent for 5 months. Of course I would have no problem with raising more, to work longer. But this will give me a great start! And by then I will start to generate a revenue and can be well on my way.
This would be the greatest gift to me and my family ever. Honestly, I don't know where this will lead yet, and that is so scary to me. But I will never know unless I get an opportunity to give it my complete all.
The great news is that you can come on this adventure with me by your support.
So basically if you choose to donate, you are pre-purchasing a work of art of your own!
My objective is to stay authentic, pursue creativity, give generously, care deeply, create often, and work with conviction. To stay true to and close to my heart and connect with those who are aligned with a similar purpose.
I hope to teach, inspire, give generously, and make and create at least 8 hours a day for at least 5 months to see what happens.
Much love and so much thanks!!!
Your donation =
$800 donation= you an original work of art/ mixed media painting with frame ( around 24 x 24 size may vary) and one original drawing from Lia.
with a $700 donation, an original work of art/ mixed media painting with frame ( around 20 x 20 size may vary) and one original drawing from Lia.
with a $600 donation, an original work of art/ mixed media painting with frame ( around 12 x 12 size may vary) and one original drawing from Lia.
with a $500 donation, an original work of art/ mixed media painting with frame (two 10 x 10 size may vary)
and one original drawing from Lia.
with a $400 donation, an original work of art/ mixed media painting with frame ( two 8 x 8 sizes may vary)
and one original drawing from Lia.
with a $300 donation, an original work of art/ mixed media painting with frame ( one 8 x 8 size may vary)
and one original drawing from Lia.
with a $200 donation, an original work of art/ mixed media painting with frame ( one 5 x 5 size may vary or a signed 11 x 17 print of any of my paintings )
and one original drawing from Lia.
with a $100 donation, 3 5 x 5 prints of paintings
$50 donation one 5 x 5 print
*** just to give you an idea of where I have been creating currently... we ( our family of 4) live in a very small 2 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn (that we pay more for than you would ever want to know).
It is just not the best working situation for an artist in the least. My rear-end goes completely numb for sitting on the floor the whole time and I continue to accidentally get paint on our rugs and furniture. It is not the best place to let loose and be free to create and my work gets a little stiff here. I am looking forward to slopping paint all over the place and getting to create uninhibited ***

Some of my older college works:

I am currently working on getting my website for Art and would love to share that with you when it does go live.
Kimberly Naranjo
Brooklyn, NY