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Subkult need your help to survive

Donación protegida
The fundraiser is finished and there will be a festival in 2024. We're however not all cleared from this situation and still ask for support. Please see our webpage or facebook page for support tickets or contact us if you want to send us direct support through Swish or other means. Thank you all for supporting us!

Please read our FAQ further down

Hello, my name is Mirre Sennehed and i'm the Festival Director at Subkultfestivalen.
I founded the non-profit association KF Subvox together with other dedicated people in 2014 with the ambition to fill the void that was left behind from Arvikafestivalen. We wanted to create a festival at the same non-profit foundation that both Hultsfredsfestivalen and Arvikafestivalen was founded upon. But times change and it's increasingly harder to survive as a non-profit in the cultural business with decreasing conditions to work within in all different kind of ways.
We've worked hard in our spare time, and always with a very limited budget. But despite severe financial setbacks and other challenges we've created a festival that stands for important points of view in social sustainability in society. Since day 1, we've cared about accessibility, inclusiveness and that everyone should be allowed to be who they are, regardless of their body, sexuality or background.
We've actively engaged in issues related to discrimination the right to culture and to support music and art forms which rarely receives as much exposure in the spotlight.
We've been the starting point for the individual's belief in their abilities to go their own way in life, which we are incredibly proud of. There is nothing that matters more than inspiring people with meaning and purpose through culture and Subkult has played an important role to achieve this. We're still a small festival, with a large network that has established Subkult on the world map. We've attracted both visitors and artists from all over the world to visit us from Mexico, England and Australia which has been so cool!
At this time of year, our audience are used to hear about our new lineup that we always present at Bodyfest, an event in Stockholm.
This year the situation is different, and instead of being able to talk about our lineup we're asking for your help.

The pandemic was tough for our entire industry, and especially tough for those who were already having a tough time and who had no buffer to draw from in a crisis.
We had a deficit from previous years to work with and hoped for a fresh start with our 5-year anniversary in 2022.
It was a record audience, and it was going in the right direction. But despite that, it was still tough financially for our association. Costs increased from all sides with the pandemic and now also due to the inflation. We've turned ourselves inside out to get it all going and thanks to sponsors and dedicated people, we survived in 2022 despite the difficult conditions.
We then hoped that we would get back on our feet in 2023. But unfortunately that was not the case, and instead we lost important grants for 2023 and for the first time ever we had a decline in ticket sales. We've never had a decline before. We've always grown slowly but surely every year, but things took a hard turn.
It's a strange year for many in the cultural sector and we just couldn't compete with the big artists that toured this summer.
Subkult is important to so many, to the audience, bands and the music industry in general.
We need more stages that support subcultural genres and Subkult has an important role in both growth within these music genres and in social sustainability issues for our target audience.
We who organize the festival are passionate about all this, but we cannot manage all this without your help. For many other festivals, the amounts are relatively small in the context. It's however a lot of money for us as a non-profit driven festival that is also very niche.

If everyone who follows us on Facebook had supported us with, for example, 50 SEK we would have passed this crisis and been able to start planning for next year. Every little helps.
If we reach the entire amount requested in our crowdfunding, we will overcome the crisis if you also continue to support us by buying tickets as usual when we release them for next year's festival.
The crowdfunding does not cover all costs and we are not completely out of the crisis, but we will be very close. We have sponsors and others who will be able to contribute if they see that we are a festival that many want to keep. We already have ideas for the future to avoid this from happening again, but we need your help in order to develop Subkult and to be able to keep the unique meeting ground that it has been for almost 7 years.

Please share our crowdfunding and tell your friends, family and colleagues that we are looking for support. Every person who sees this increases our chances of surviving this. We hope that we reach all of you that's dedicated and passionate about the music and the scene and who want to join in on contributing to the environment that we can create with Subkult thanks to you, our audience.

There's more information to read about our crowdfunding in the text below. Please read more about what is written there.

Thank you for giving us the energy and strength we need to keep on fighting for the survival of Subkult!

What is Subkult?
  • Subkult is a non-profit alternative culture festival in Vänersborg, Sweden. Subkult focus on alternative genres and have artists in Electro pop, Punk, Goth, Post Punk and Metal among other various genres. We also have dances, burelsque, garffiti, fire shows and other types of activities during the festival.

For how long has Subkult been organized?
  • The first festival was held in 2016 and we had the 6th edition being held at the summer of 2023.

Where can I find more info about Subkult and KF Subvox?

What does the funds raised by this crowdfunding cover?
  • The amount we request in this crowdfunding will cover costs for a few artists, companies and sponsors that we haven't been able to cover with the current resources from the 2023 festival.

I want to support the festival through sponsorships or sending suppport outside of crowdfunding, how do I do that?
  • We have a sponsorship package that we're happy to talk to you more about. You can always contact us through e-mail or writing to us at Facebook. We will adjust the goal of the crowdfunding in case we get substantial supports through other means.

What happens if you don't reach the goal of this crowdfunding?
  • We don't want to withdraw money from a crowdfunding that's far from reaching the goal. The goal might change due to how support reaches us outside the crowdfunding and also due to how further talks with sponsors and collaborating organizations is panning out. We might still withdraw the funds if we're close to the goal if we feel that we can resolve this challenge we're facing. We will however initiate a refund if we're far from reaching the goal. If you want to help us cover costs from the 2023 festival no matter what, then please contact us and we'll have the funds being sent through other means instead.

Why do you have a crowdfunding goal that doesn't cover all the costs?
  • We've set the goal of this crowdfunding campaign in order to cover the majority of the costs we currently have. There's still a way to go to cover the rest of the costs, but if we get the continued support by either receive a higher amount of funds than the amount we request or having the audience to buy early tickets for the next years festival. Then we should be able to cover most of the extra costs through those sales.


  • Daniel Torgersen
    • kr300
    • 1 yr
  • Avesta Reza Haghshenas
    • kr1,000
    • 1 yr
  • Håkan Lindqvist
    • kr200
    • 1 yr
  • Anders Hugo Nordlöf
    • kr50
    • 1 yr
  • Anónimo
    • kr242
    • 1 yr


Subkult Festivalen
Göteborg, O, Sweden, O

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe