Let's Unite to Stop Suicides & Save Lives
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Why this matters?
We say life is difficult, and we look around to analyze what exactly is the element that makes us believe so. It is amidst this thought-process that we realize there’s only one reason for it and that is, the people around us.
Whatever we feel, is a reaction somehow relating to other people around us. We sit and wonder why is the world like this, and why can’t people understand us completely. The truth is harsh and quite straightforward: There’s no one in this world who would understand us completely. However, the bright side to this reality is that we really do not need someone who understands us completely. What we need is someone to listen…
Despite having 7 billion people, the world is a bit lonelier.
When we are surrounded by people who do not give up on us, we strive, we blossom regardless of how bruised we are. We get up knowing we are connected, to people who look for us, who think of us and who care.
Suicide in America is no longer an issue, rather an epidemic and a crisis on the rise. It has taken a toll on people of all races, genders and ages. Suicide has no favorites! Grief is a never-ending sorrow, where the griever only suffers in silence.
What we do and what's the impact?
Suicide Watch & Wellness Foundation has been working relentlessly to prevent and intervene suicidal attempts when we are successful, we save lives. However, when we aren't able to reach a suffering soul who ends up committing suicide then we support the grieving families and friends.
The sad reality is, we stereotype, label and judge those who decided to end their lives, ignoring the fact that nobody really wants to end their life, all they want is to end the pain.
Has this world really become this emotionally distant?
Why can’t we, for once, be there for someone? Why can’t we just support? A little act of kindness can go a long way to save lives.
Your support, your consideration and your minimalist effort might prevent someone from ending their life. It might just prevent a family from undergoing a pain like no other, the kind that makes you suffer every moment of your life thinking maybe you could have done something to prevent it. The truth is, they could, and they can – .Suicide Watch and Wellness Foundation is here to share with you the SIGNS!
Check on the friends who don’t talk much, check on those family members who have recently lost interest in the things they loved, provide any kind of support, acknowledgement and effort you’re able to. It’s about time we place meaning in our lives and utilize it for the very purpose of ridding the stigma surrounding suicide and mental illness.
Become the change you seek, and unite with us on a cause that would cater the most underrated concern: someone’s life!
How can you help?
Donate Now! Even if it is an amount that you believe wouldn’t do much. Trust us; each drop is what made an ocean.
Your funds will be utilized in conducting therapies, running awareness campaigns, coordinating programs to help prevent, intervene and one day totally end the belief so many people have that suicide is their only option.
Your funds wouldn’t just be an act of kindness for us, in fact, we would consider this the greatest of virtues, the kind that would help us reach our ultimate goal: A mentally-healthy world. We’re volunteers with a mission, and any kind of funds would only boost our passion and instill hope within our hearts ensuring the world that lives can be saved, and we aren’t alone.
Please, donate now as each day is valuable and the more we wait, the more lives are lost.
In America, 132 suicides occur each day.
Help us – We Need You.
Misha Mck
Jackson, MS
Suicide watch and wellness foundation