Please help Sukarya raise $48,000 to educate and empower 2,000 adolescent girls living in the urban slums.
Organization overview
Sukarya has been educating and empowering adolescent girls across school and slum communities in Delhi and Haryana since 2017 by creating improved access to quality health, providing basic education to every girl, and working to end practices like dowry, child marriage, child labour. In recent years , organic growth Sukaraya moved from health to gender, livelihoods, and education as the interconnections in these issue became clear. With a customized curriculum that addresses adolescent health, menstrual hygiene, nutrition, and life skills, Sukarya instills confidence and leadership skills in girls so they can fight against economic and social inequalities.
What is the project?
The project aims to educate and empower 2,000 adolescent girls through comprehensive, module-based training on adolescent reproductive & sexual health, family life education, and gender rights, building their knowledge and capacity to fulfill their potential and become leaders and change agents in their communities.The project will enable them to learn basic digital skills while also learning about life skills that will enable them to lead healthy lives and support their communities in a variety of ways. With these interventions, adolescent girls will be able to lead healthier lives and be better informed and equipped to navigate current and future life challenges.
What is the problem we will solve?
Nearly 10% (about 130 million) of India's total population consists of adolescents. Adolescent girls often face deep-rooted socio-cultural customs and norms that leave them vulnerable, especially in rural and slum communities. Child marriage, early pregancy, gender-based violence, discrimination, and trafficking serve as barriers that keep girls out of school. Girls often face higher infant, child, and maternal mortality rates, and early marriages, - all of which further marginalizes them and has the potential to perpetuate an intergenerational cycle of poverty.
How we will reach our goals:
In five slum locations and five schools we will reach girls through the following activities:
1.Situational Analysis of slum communities and schools with a asic data collection / Baseline survey
2. Meeting with community stakeholders and School authorities and an Orientation of Parents and teachers
3. Each quarter, we will recruit50 girls [10-19 yrs.] across the slum communities and schools to participate in our training sessions. In addition, wee will also select two ,lead girls from each cohort to develop them as community resource person/ a change agent. They will participate in additional monthly training sessions on gender and leadership.
We will complete an impactssessment by the end of each batch every quarter and final assessment by the end of the one year project period.
Join us and help Sukarya educate and empower the adolescent girls across India.
Links to find out more:
This project is supported by the Girls Opportunity Alliance .
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