Sunset Park: Open Streets 2021
Tax deductible
Please Help Save Sunset Park's Small Businesses
Starting in May 2021, we want to repeat the success of last year's weekend Open Streets program for traffic-free, outdoor dining. For 17 weekends in 2020, we closed portions of 5th avenue on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings to create safe havens for neighbors and visitors to enjoy our local restaurants.
This year, the emergency NYC program that allowed those Open Streets has been made permanent. It now also allows bodegas, retail shops, and professional services to use outdoor space in addition to restaurants.
Our 2021 Goal: 27 Weekends, expanded dining and shopping zones, & safe youth activities.
No government funding has been provided to pay for running the Open Streets program, so we are fundraising from the community, businesses, and the program participants.
Every Penny Raised Will Be Used On Fifth Avenue Supporting Sunset Park's Small Businesses.
About Us:
The Sunset Park Business Improvement District (BID) supports local small businesses and is dedicated to improving our neighborhood's quality of life. We hang the avenue's holiday lights, produce festivals and events, cover graffiti, pick up trash, and fight for our mom & pop shops to be successful. We've been serving Sunset Park for over 25 years.
We are a New York State registered non-profit community service organization.
Donations to support our Open Streets program are tax-deductible.
Learn More About NYC Open Streets [LINK ]

Starting in May 2021, we want to repeat the success of last year's weekend Open Streets program for traffic-free, outdoor dining. For 17 weekends in 2020, we closed portions of 5th avenue on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings to create safe havens for neighbors and visitors to enjoy our local restaurants.
This year, the emergency NYC program that allowed those Open Streets has been made permanent. It now also allows bodegas, retail shops, and professional services to use outdoor space in addition to restaurants.
Our 2021 Goal: 27 Weekends, expanded dining and shopping zones, & safe youth activities.
No government funding has been provided to pay for running the Open Streets program, so we are fundraising from the community, businesses, and the program participants.
Every Penny Raised Will Be Used On Fifth Avenue Supporting Sunset Park's Small Businesses.
About Us:
The Sunset Park Business Improvement District (BID) supports local small businesses and is dedicated to improving our neighborhood's quality of life. We hang the avenue's holiday lights, produce festivals and events, cover graffiti, pick up trash, and fight for our mom & pop shops to be successful. We've been serving Sunset Park for over 25 years.
We are a New York State registered non-profit community service organization.
Donations to support our Open Streets program are tax-deductible.
Learn More About NYC Open Streets [LINK ]

Sunset Park Business Improvement District
Brooklyn, NY
Sunset Park District Management Association Inc (Sunset Park Business Improvement)