Sunshine wishes for Sawyer Faith
Sawyer Faith is a precious 19 month old (twin sister to Scarlett Hope).
She was born with Total Colonic Hirschsprungs Disease (birth defect in which nerve cells are missing and in her case her entire colon & portion of small intestine are affected making her unable to have a normal bowel movement).She is currently in Ohio (10 hours away from home) after her surgery to remove her non-working colon & small intestine, take down her ostomy & reconnect her. Recovery to be able to go home could take weeks.
Sawyer's parents Jake and Katie live in Green Bay and they are very good friends of my son Robert and Robert's girlfriend Sarah.
I'm asking every one of my Facebook friends (approx. 450) to consider each donating a minimum of $10 /$15 a couple and to share this link with their friends to help too. Let's show this family that we are all caring and loving people who will help a family with all the housing, food, travel, and medical expenses while they are unable to work themselves. God bless all.
Love Sheila