Super Gay Crowdfund
Donation protected
"Super Gay" is a musical comedy series about a group of queer college students with super powers, and we will be filming a sizzle reel to pitch to streaming services later this month!
Perks for donations are as follows:
- $5+ Our eternal gratitude
- $10+ Name in credits (and our eternal gratitude)
- $25+ Super Gay wristband, and all above
- $60+ Super Gay T-shirt, and all above
- $125+ Super Gay poster signed by the cast, and all above
- $500+ "Executive Donor" Credit, Custom Advertisement (a picture of your choosing) in the show, and all above
- $1000+ "Super Gay Producer" Credit, Opportunity to be on set as a featured extra, and all above
Perks for donations are as follows:
- $5+ Our eternal gratitude
- $10+ Name in credits (and our eternal gratitude)
- $25+ Super Gay wristband, and all above
- $60+ Super Gay T-shirt, and all above
- $125+ Super Gay poster signed by the cast, and all above
- $500+ "Executive Donor" Credit, Custom Advertisement (a picture of your choosing) in the show, and all above
- $1000+ "Super Gay Producer" Credit, Opportunity to be on set as a featured extra, and all above
Barbie Hood
San Diego, CA