We are a band from Orange County, California. We are four gentlemen with a desire to play music to a wider audience. We are Super Whatevr.
Skyler McKee
Thomas Waale
Luke Mensink
Myles DeCourcy
When we first started this project we didn't expect it to gain so much traction in the first 8 months, but since we've been consistently exceding our goals (both personal and as a band) we decided to take this opportunity to step into the studio once more to record a full-length album!
Each donation goes towards the album that we will be recording in January with our good friend Seiji Inouye at his studio in Nashville, Tennessee. He's an amazing person and an extremely talented producer and we're really excited to be able to share this experience with you!
1. What is the cost breakdown for the record?
$7,000 will go towards the studio recording sessions
$1,000 is for final mix and mastering of the songs
Which comes to a grand total of $8,000!!!!!!
2. What the heck do I get for donating?
$10 will get you the dopest high-five you've ever received in your entire life! Thanks for caring about us and our music :)
$25 will get you a digital lyric book from the new record and a sticker pack with the new merch the artist Wyatt Kollar designed for us - @liftyourskinnyfists
$50 (the first 25 to donate) will get you a signed custom drawing from the artist who painted our "Good Luck EP" artwork - @kazland. We're really excited to be mailing these out, they're so incredibly rad.
$100 will get you a live stream from the studio in Nashville! You'll also get our embroidered chinese food Super Whatevr shirt in either black or white.
$200 will get you a preview of the record during the process of recording in January!
$500 will get you a hoodie from our upcoming merch drop, an embroidered chinese food Super Whatevr shirt in either black or white, a signed copy of the full-length when it's released on your choice of cd or vinyl, free tickets to any and all of our shows/video release parties, and our eternal gratitude for being such an amazing human being for believing in us.
$1,000 will get you literally anything you want from us. You're a saint and deserve everything good this world has to offer. We love you.
3. We will be releasing info as money is raised!
As the campaign is funded we will be releasing tidbits from the record including the new album artwork, phone demos during the writing process, rough drafts of the track listings, and new merch designs!
If you donate the most!
Whoever donates the most will receive everything we have to offer you. This includes a signed copy of the Good Luck EP, set up films we used to screen print our earlier merch, signed memorabilia from our Nashville trip, first draft lyrics to the upcoming album Skyler has written on receipt paper, and much more.
We have so much faith in our friends, family, and fans and wouldn't have been able to make it this far without you, so thank you so much for the opportunity and we hope to see you soon!!!
Super Whatevr
Here's a link to our EP we released this year!