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Support 70K people whose homes were taken by flood

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Support for 70 thousand people whose homes were taken by the flood

While Uzbekistan, like the rest of the world, is struggling against the COVID-19 pandemic, the country is suffering from another unexpected disaster.

On May 1, 2020, at about 05:55 a.m., a water leak occurred because of the destruction of the dam’s sixth picket wall of the Sardoba reservoir. As a result of this, very serious damage was caused to settlements located around the reservoir.

70 thousand people from 22 settlements of Sardoba, Akaltin and Mirzabad districts located around the reservoir were evacuated for temporary accommodation to the Syrdarya and Jizzakh regions. The evacuated population has been housed in schools, colleges, private enterprises and local dwellings. As a result of the incident 56 people were injured, there is no information about the dead.

Due to the large scale of the catastrophe, as a result of water leakage from the Sardoba reservoir floods also occurred in several settlements of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 5,400 people were evacuated from Maktaaral district of Turkestan region.

Buildings and houses around the reservoir went under water, many houses were completely washed away by the water stream. Because the catastrophe occurred in the early morning, the evacuated population did not manage to take almost anything with them. Livestock, cars, documents, valuables - everything remained under water.


Charity event collected nearly $20.000. The funds collected with the help of caring citizens were spent on purchasing three ambulances for residents of the flood-affected areas in the Syrdarya region.

“As you know, in connection with the Sardoba tragedy we organized a charity event on the platform GoFundMe. It was attended mainly by Uzbeks abroad, and a total of 294 people contributed to the donation. With the help of generous people, $19,949 was raised. 

We thought long and hard about how to spend this money. We also asked for advice from customers through our channel, reviewed more than 2,000 offers.

As we said before, it was not a good decision to distribute it as cash because the total amount was not that much, and if it was divided into several thousand people, it would amount to a negligible sum.

We wanted something that would benefit the residents of the three flood-affected districts as much as possible. And finally, we stopped at the option of purchasing an ambulance.

Why an ambulance?

1) the most important issue now is the protection of human health;
2) it will serve all citizens of the district for many years;
3) there is no possibility of looting, appropriation or embezzlement;
4) if ambulances serve for human health for several years, the supporters will be blessed for as many years.

We hope that even if these ambulances save the lives of at least 1 person, we will achieve our main goal.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who took part in this campaign and supported and helped with their advice.

P.S.: The money we raised is not enough to buy three cars. UzAvtoSanoat JSC donated 28 million 720 thousand soums. Many thanks to them too!” 

We are cooperating with Uzbekistan National News Agency on this campaign and we would like to thank them for their cooperation.

Uylari suv ostida qolgan 70 ming kishini qo‘llab-quvvatlash

Butun dunyoda bo‘lgani kabi O‘zbekistonda ham SOVID-19 pandemiyasiga qarshi jiddiy kurash olib borilayotgan bir paytda mamlakat yana bir kutilmagan falokatdan aziyat chekmoqda.

2020-yil 1-may kuni soat 05:55da Sirdaryo viloyatida joylashgan “Sardoba” suv ombori dambasining 6 piket devori o‘pirilishi natijasida suv chiqqan. Natijada suv ombori atrofidagi aholi punktlariga o‘ta jiddiy zarar yetgan.

Suv ombori atrofida joylashgan Sardoba, Oqoltin, Mirzaobod tumanlaridagi 22 ta aholi punktlaridan jami 70 ming nafar fuqarolar Sirdaryo hamda Jizzax viloyatlariga vaqtincha yashash uchun evakuatsiya qilingan. Ko‘chirilgan aholi maktablar, kollej, xususiy korxonalar va aholi xonadonlariga joylashtirilmoqda. Falokat natijasida 56 kishi jarohatlangan, vafot etganlar haqida maʼlumot yo‘q.

Falokat ko‘lami kattaligidan “Sardoba” suv omboridan suv chiqishi natijasida Qozog‘iston Respublikasidagi bir nechta aholi punktlarida suv toshgan va Turkiston viloyatining Maktaaral tumanidan 5400 aholi evakuatsiya qilingan.

Suv ombori atrofidagi uylar butunlay suv ostida qolgan, ko‘plab uylarni suv oqizib ketgan. Falokat juda shoshilinch va tong sahar bo‘lganligi uchun evakuatsiya qilingan aholi o‘zlari bilan deyarli hech narsani olishga ulgurmagan. Uy hayvonlari, mashinalar, hujjatlar, qimmatbaho buyumlar – hammasi suv ostida qolgan.


  • Anonymous
    • $245
    • 5 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $50
    • 5 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $20
    • 5 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $50
    • 5 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $40
    • 5 yrs

Fundraising team (2)

Abrorjon Kodirov
Columbus, OH
Shohruh Erjigitov
Xushnud Xudoyberdiev
Team member

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