Support a Community Library in Ecuadorian Amazon!
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The Chain Collaborative is raising funds to support one of our partners, Witoca, to launch a community library in their community of Huaticocha in the Amazon of Ecuador. Watch the video above to learn about their vision to bring reading and art to hundreds of children in their community. Read on to learn about the project in their words:
Abracadabra in old Aramaic can be translated as "I create as was spoken", and more than mythology it is the idea that the stories we tell to ourselves and to others have the power to conjure reality.
For some years now, we have been dreaming about a bigger space to gather, to read aloud together, a proper space to do art and hold all kind of workshops.
We started believing this story ourselves first, and then sharing with friends and family. Then we met Alborde, an Architectural Studio!
And the dream is getting very real, this year we were awarded with the "Arquitectura Vernácula" grant from IFCI - Ministry of Culture, together with Alborde Architectural Studio as partners, so we can build the main structure for the our Community Library.
We are thrilled about this project cause is not just a library, but also an amazing building itself. Working together alongside Alborde, we have designed a project that will be honoring the local knowledge of amazonian Architecture, using local designs, wood, vegetable fiber for the roof, natural air ventilation and enriched with the support of contemporary architecture.
Big shout out to The World Connect who will be co-financing our beautiful traditional roof, and to Indimark who has been believing and supporting our project from the beginning through different donations.
We're looking to you now for some extra support to finalize the project. We need additional funds to finish the electrical, water and bathroom connections that are not covered with the grants awarded. Please consider joining us in launching this one of a kind project!
Follow the process at @witoca_coffee @sarawarmi (instagram)
Construction progress so far!

Rendered Image of Library Design:

En Español:
“Abracadabra” es una palabra en arameo que se podría traducir como "Que se construya como se habló", aunque muchos lo ligan a la magia, reafirma la idea de que si repetimos muchas veces una historia a nosotros y a los demás, ésta tiene el poder de conjurar la realidad.
“Huaticocha Lee” necesita una biblioteca comunitaria. Soñamos con un espacio para leer en voz alta, para jugar, pintar y en fin, un hogar para nuestros libros. Esa es nuestra historia.
A inicios de este año el proyecto de biblioteca fue seleccionada para ser beneficiaria de los fondos concursables de "Arquitectura Vernácula" del IFCI - Ministerio de Cultura con el apoyo de Alborde Arquitectura. Estos fondos nos permitirán diseñar y construir la estructura principal de nuestra Biblioteca Comunitaria. Pero todavía necesitamos levantar un presupuesto adicional para conexiones eléctricas y sanitarias que nos permita inaugurar este edificio totalmente funcional.
Si tu también crees que el acceso a la lectura es un derecho, considera donar para finalizar los últimos detalles de nuestra biblioteca
Queremos agradecer el apoyo de World Connect quien co-financiará la construcción del techo tradicional tejido y mantenimiento del techo de fibras vegetales y el trabajo y donación de Indimark socios del club de lectura que han ido aportando en el desarrollo y gestión del club desde sus inicios.
Sigue el proceso en @witoca_coffee @sarawarmi (instagram)
The Chain Collaborative