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Support a Displaced Mom-to-Be

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Ramia is a young Syrian woman I know who is about to become a mom. Forcibly displaced by the war, she is in southern Turkey. 

I discovered this week that Ramia will need to travel 19 hours by bus to deliver her baby in a hospital lacking quality care because she does not have $1000 to deliver in the town where she is currently living.

We cannot let this happen. I'm a mom and I just cannot let this happen.

Ramia, along with her husband, survived the siege of E. Aleppo. She’s lost her home and her country and had to leave her beloved family behind. This brave woman, despite a heart condition that’s had to be monitored all throughout her pregnancy, has asked for nothing. So I’m asking.

Because while we cannot stop a war, we can make sure Ramia delivers her baby in a hospital that will provide solid medical care for her and her child. 

Pregnancy is hard and scary. Can you imagine being pregnant for the first time when forcibly displaced, after having lost everything but your life?

Please give. Let’s show Ramia that the world cares about her and her family. Let’s make sure she starts off motherhood with as little stress and as much love as we can possibly give her.


  • Veronica Morra
    • $25
    • 7 yrs


Wendy Widom
Chicago, IL

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