Support Adriana's Fight Against MS
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Hello everyone. I’m asking for some help for my niece. Adriana is currently undergoing testing for MS. She’s only 17 with her whole life ahead of her. Currently, she is paralyzed from the neck down. We’re hopeful that Brenner's Children’s Hospital will be able to help. Her mother won’t leave her side. I’m asking for help for the medical bills my sister will accrue. Please, please, please help my sister in her time of need. Pray for her baby girl.
Firstly, I want to thank everyone who has donated to help Adriana’s cause.
As for right now Adriana is undergoing plex treatments to help aid in filtering out the “bad stuff” in her blood. This should help aid the steroids they are administering. She can move her legs and feet. Though, she can only lift her left foot and can’t push it down. As for her arms, she can only slightly move them.
She’s having her ups and down moments. Not long ago she was a perky teenage girl. Anyone who knows Dee Dee knows how active she is. The road to coping and recovery will be very trying and long.
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter
Crystal Cooper
Harmony, NC
Melissa Molina