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Support “Ashley” from the TIME article

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“Ashley” is the pseudonym of the 13-year old mother in Mississippi who was recently featured in TIME. She and her family need extra support right now to raise baby Peanut and relocate closer to other family who can help. All the funds raised will go directly to Ashley, Peanut, Regina and their family, to help them buy diapers, clothes, milk, and food. The funds will also go towards helping Regina pay the bills and relocate the family and helping Ashley stay in school. Regina and Ashley hope that these funds can help them give Peanut a better life.

Note: I will like to thank everyone for reading our story and offering to help in anyway they could, I shed so many tears alone in my room at night. It hurts and it hurts bad. Deep down I didn’t know anyone would care about what had happen let alone I didn’t know anyone was out there who wanted to hear my story and write about it that is rare around here. I told myself who would care, not the police I see because they would do what’s in their power to get this person so he wouldn’t do another child the same. I asked Why my child this is like a lifetime movie you only watch on tv not something in real life. It’s not safe for kids to go out and play in their yard without being assaulted. I told myself it was my fault because I was working too much and should have been there to protect her. I cry daily. I dont have the resources or family to help me while I am working, how else will I pay bills and make sure they have what they need without a job, the only option is to move where I know I have that support with my mom and other family who live a 1,000 miles away. Someone can watch them as I work and make this life better. I don’t have the funds to get there nor to secure a place of residence it is hard being a single poor mother in a below poverty town. As a mother and and now grandmother I will fight for a better life for them, maybe we can overcome this.
All funds will be used for:
Peanut clothes, pampers, formula and other essentials he may need.
Housing once we relocate, down payment
Ashley and Peanut an account for their day to day needs and remaining in an account for their future.

Regina is a pseudonym of the mother of the 13 year old girl.
Regina is Fundraising for her daughter Ashley and Grandson Peanut


  • Anónimo
    • 100 $
    • 7 d
  • Shoshana Fishbein
    • 25 $
    • 13 d
  • David Hightower
    • 50 $
    • 2 meses
  • Daniel Butler
    • 20 $
    • 2 meses
  • Karen Iris Tucker
    • 50 $
    • 2 meses


Regina D
Clarksdale, MS

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