Support AZ Republic Journalists
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On June 5, the Arizona Republic Guild is walking off the job for 48 hours in response to Gannett’s unfair labor practices and in an effort to secure a fair contract that includes liveable wages, decent healthcare, and to protect the newsroom from further staffing cuts and outsourcing.
In the early 2000s, the Republic had over 400 journalists on staff. Today, that number is closer to 130, with about 90 being non-supervisor positions covered by the Guild. We are going to bat for the communities we serve and the journalism we believe in.
After three years of bargaining, Gannett has shown time and time again it will throw up hurdles, drag its feet at the bargaining table and put shareholders ahead of its journalists and the communities we serve. By stalling, the company has been keeping wages low for many. Meanwhile, the cost of living in our area has continued to rise.
We aim to remind Gannett where the value in its company lies - its journalists.
Journalists are taking a stand. For many of us, this comes at great personal cost. Going without two days’ pay can be the difference between keeping the lights on or feeding their families for some of our most vulnerable members.
But we're standing up anyway.
And so we ask for your help in standing behind them. Funds raised will go directly to the journalists who cannot afford to miss two days’ pay.
This is being organized by Richard Ruelas, the chair of the Republic Guild. Funds will go to newsroom members who apply to us by email after the pay period ends. The goal is to make up any shortage from their bi-weekly checks. If we run short of funds, elected Guild leadership will determine the fairest method of distributing funds.
*Funds from the Arizona Republic Strike Fund are collected independently from the Media Guild of the West, TNG-CWA #39213 AFL-CIO.
Richard Ruelas
Phoenix, AZ