Support Baby J through a medical emergency!
Tax deductible
Baby J and his parents need your support as they navigate a frightening and expensive medical emergency for Baby J!
J is the one-year-old son of Project Libertad's young clients Y and G. J has been hospitalized at a children's hospital far from home with an unknown infection and enlarged liver since Friday 3/15. The cause remains unknown, and we do not know when J will come home from the hospital.
Y and G are both high school students, working hard to learn English and graduate while supporting themselves and being wonderful parents to J.
To get through this medical emergency, they need our help! Donations will be used for their needs during this emergency, including but not limited to: transportation, food, housing, and medical expenses.
Any donations beyond the goal amount will either go to Y & G if needed, or support our regular work with immigrant youth.
Project Libertad