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Support Ben's Recovery

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On February 2nd, 2025, our friend, brother, and son, Ben Varga, was the victim of a shooting in Wash Park, Denver. Ben was shot from behind while waiting to meet up with friends. The bullet traveled through the back of his neck and straight through his jaw and chin. We are incredibly grateful that he survived. In what can only be described as a miracle, the bullet narrowly missed critical structures like his trachea and spine, preventing even more devastating consequences. The visible impact on his face is minimal, given that the bullet traveled in a way that left his facial structure largely intact on the surface. Since the incident, Ben has been in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) at Denver Health, undergoing multiple surgeries and receiving round-the-clock care. His recovery will be long, but we remain hopeful.

We are immensely grateful for the outstanding care Ben has received at Denver Health. The doctors, nurses, and staff have gone above and beyond to keep him comfortable while managing his recovery. We also want to thank the bystanders who applied pressure to Ben's wound and the paramedics whose quick actions were critical in getting him the help he needed. Their quick actions made all the difference.

Ben, a lifelong Coloradan, has always had a deep love for his home state and the community around him. He graduated from CU Boulder's Leeds School of Business last May, is a dedicated Buffs fan, and recently moved to downtown Denver to start a new job. Ben is also a big fan of all Colorado sports, including the Broncos, Avalanche, and Nuggets. When he's not cheering for local teams, he loves skiing, playing pickleball, trying new restaurants, and traveling the world. As a triplet, he shares a special bond with his brother, sister, and family. His love extends deeply to his friends and his dogs, Tatum and Bernie.

Ben is eligible to apply for the Denver Victims Fund, which, if approved, could provide up to $30,000 in assistance. However, the approval process can take up to two months, and there is no guarantee of coverage. In the meantime, Ben will remain in the SICU, and his medical expenses—including his hospital stay, oral and dental procedures, and reconstructive surgeries—are expected to far exceed that amount. This fund will help cover these costs, as well as support Ben’s transition back to daily life after his hospitalization. Our goal is to ease the financial burden so he can focus entirely on his recovery.

Ben and his family are incredibly grateful for the overwhelming support from family, friends, and even strangers who are moved by his story. More than anything, we appreciate the encouragement and kind words that continue to uplift Ben and everyone who loves him.

For more details about the incident, please see Denver 7 News.
To follow Ben's recovery, visit Ben's Recovery Updates.

Thank you for keeping Ben in your thoughts and for surrounding him with the strength and support of his incredible community—his family, friends, and the many people who care about him.


  • Jennifer Donaldson
    • 100 $
    • 3 T
  • James Yanda
    • 100 $
    • 8 T
  • Brett Fenster
    • 50 $
    • 10 T
  • Wade Marshall
    • 50 $
    • 11 T
  • Gavin Kite-Powell
    • 100 $
    • 15 T


Daniel Varga
Parker, CO

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