Support BIPOC Farmers & Feed BIPOC Communities
The Uprooted & Rising Indian Territory We Feed Us campaign will source products from local BIPOC farmers across Central Oklahoma at market price through mutual aid funding and distribute that food directly to our BIPOC communities. It is our hope that this will better sustain both our farmers and our communities, and make way for a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) network and community-based food economy in the years to come.
Uprooted and Rising Indian Territory plans to launch distribution in our first season of this program in North East Oklahoma City with hopes of expanding throughout North Tulsa, East Norman, and throughout other parts of Indian Territory affected by Food Apartheid. With the increased stress of the global pandemic, Oklahomans continue to struggle with food insecurity. The vision for the We Feed Us Campaign embraces a shift in a food system separate from large, exploitative, capitalist corporations that negatively impact our community and our environment to one that supports Central and Eastern Oklahoma’s BIPOC farmers. Our food distribution sites will allow us to simultaneously support BIPOC communities and fight food apartheid that is engendered by white supremacy and colonization. By working together as a community, we can build a more sustainable and sovereign food system for years to come, while growing the relationship between the food and medicine our Land provides us and our Black and Indigenous communities.