Support the Work of POSE in Haverhill
A huge part of white privilege is our inability to support, with our money, black and brown leaders in our community. When I was the director of Dinah's House, I was disturbed when I looked around at the leadership of non-profits and their boards and everyone was white, like me. I was ashamed because it meant that so many of us were simply playing the part of white Savior and not really listening to the needs of the community. But at that time I did little about it because I didn't know what to do. (This is no longer an excuse that I can use).
If you are looking for a place to give your money to make real change in Haverhill, this is it.The powerful discussion that took place on June 3rd happened because of the years of groundwork that has already been laid by Kat and Dennis at POSE. ( CLICK HERE to watch the video.)
Please join me in empowering these well placed, effective leaders as they continue to educate and enact real change in the Haverhill. This is not the end of my journey towards becoming a better Ally, but it is a great place to start. Join me and donate today.