Support BrandyBuizel: Overcoming OCD and Job Loss
Donation protected
Hey everyone, Droid here!
A good friend of mine and long-time Newgrounds user, BrandyBuizel, is in a tough spot right now, and I’m hoping we can all come together to help him out.
You may have had an opportunity to either meet or interact with Brandy in some capacity if you have spent any time on Newgrounds. He is the one responsible for having hosted Pico Day NJ 2024, the Newgrounds NJ Meetup in 2023, and has attended many other meetups and events over the last few years. On top of this, he is also responsible for having helped organized the Tankmas ADVENTure, the Endless Summer Lovin' Collab, and was responsible in part for the creation of the much loved short film LUCKYBOY. Brandy is a deeply passionate creative and a fantastic part of the Newgrounds community, however, he has been facing some difficult times recently.
Around this time last year, Brandy had to leave his parents' place due to severe OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) that made living there no longer possible. He moved in with me while we looked for a place for him, eventually finding an apartment that worked with his budget at the time. However, just after getting settled into his new place, Brandy unexpectedly lost his long time job which came as a shock to both of us. Since then, he’s been living off savings while trying to find a job that accommodates his OCD and provides enough income to keep up with rent and basic expenses. Unfortunately, despite both our best efforts, he’s still struggling to find accommodating work.
Fast forward 6 months, and Brandy’s savings are running low. I have been doing what I can, continuing to help him search for any and all jobs that he is even remotely qualified for, on top of having gotten him connected with local resources for treatment of his OCD. Thankfully, though an unexpected stroke of luck, we were able to get his OCD treatment completely covered for the next few months!
Through this GoFundMe, our hope is to raise enough money for Brandy to break his lease (around $3,500). This would give him some breathing room and cover his day-to-day expenses and any taxes owed with the money he has remaining. If we exceed the initial goal, we can help him make it through the rest of his lease (until August) and give him more time to find a stable source of income and housing while he continues to receive treatment for OCD.
Beyond financial support, I’d also like to use this as an opportunity to get the word out about Brandy’s situation. If you have any available resources, job opportunities, or connections that could help, we’d greatly appreciate any and all assistance!
I'm not the best at writing this kind of stuff, so thanks a ton for taking time to read! Please share this as much as you're able and feel free to reach out to either of us! Thanks so much again!
Aaron Droid
Easley, SC