Support Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment
Tax deductible

Thinking Pink Breast Cancer Foundation is a national NGO with a mission to raise awareness about Breast Cancer Nationwide by hosting Health Fairs, Freetown Half Marathon, Pink Gala, Symposiums, Social Mobilization Campaigns, Media Engagement, Visitation to Schools, Deprived communities, Market Places, Institution/Corporations/ Offices, and Media Engagement all in a bid to raise the level of awareness and encourage women/ girls to be screened and check their Breast Health Status. “Early Detection Saves Lives.”

We also assist financially-challenged, diagnosed women, girls, and men through their prescribed treatment pathway.
The Cancer community in Sierra Leone is facing a wide range of challenges, and the low level of awareness about Breast Cancer is a major national issue. That is the reason why so many women, girls, and men are suffering because of a lack of knowledge. Sierra Leone is a low-income country and lacks the needed infrastructure for a disease that can be cured - if detected early. Many patients have to travel to the sub-region, India, or overseas for further treatment, including Radiotherapy.
Many patients only contact us when conditions persist and are out of control. This has resulted in cases of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma stage three (3) Cancer in school girls as young as 16-18 years that led to Mastectomy Surgery (removal of the Breast) and Chemotherapy.

This is also devastating for them, and counseling is introduced. Many have died due to late detection, low awareness, and poverty!
Breast cancer should not be a death sentence because of geography and poverty.
Please Support a Worthy Cause and Donate! Your donation can help save a precious life!
Thank You.
• Mastectomy Inclusive cost: $600
• Chemotherapy Inclusive (Per Cycle) cost: $250
• Lumpectomy Inclusive cost: $ 200

Develop Africa